Chapter Three: The Case of the Missing Lifegaurd

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You and Max were dancing in El's room to the music coming through the radio. Max was singing to a hair brush as you twirled her around and swayed your hair to the music.

"Oh, you found Ralph Macchio" Max said to El who was looking through the magazines.

"Macchio?" she asked.

"Yeah, he's the Karate Kid, cute right?" you asked sitting beside her on the bed. You all looked at his picture in the magazine.

"Super hot, I bet he's an amazing kisser, too" Max said. "Hey, Mike a good kisser?"

"Gross Max!" you exclaimed.


"That kid has been my best friend for years, I don't want to know about that" you told her.

"I don't know, he's my first boyfriend" El said answering Max's question.

"Ex-boyfriend" Max clarified.

You turned to El and you saw she looked upset about it. You knew she and Mike really liked each other so it must've been hard for her.

"Hey, don't worry about it, okay?" you put a hand on her shoulder. "I know Mike, he'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness"

"I guarantee you, him and Lucas are, like, totally wallowing in self-pity and misery right now" Max laughed. "They're like, 'Oh, I hope they take us back'" she said in a deep man's voice. You and El laughed.

"God, what I wouldn't give to see their stupid faces" she said.

You and El exchanged a look.

"What?" Max asked.

Max grabbed the radio and searched the channels, finally reaching to one that had all static. El sat down on the floor and you handed her the blindfold.

"Is this really gonna work?" Max asked, El nodded.

"Holy shit, this is insane" she was super exciting.

"Max, shut up" you told her laughing. It was funny how excited she was.

"Right. Quiet, sorry"

El's nose started to bleed just a bit and you and Max waited for her to say something. It took a minute for her to say, "I see them"

"What are they doing?" Max asked.

"Eating" she said.

"Without me?" you said crossing your arms. They better not be eating fOOking pizza without me, I'll kill them, you thought.

"They say we are 'species'" she said after a while.

You and Max exchanged a surprised but annoyed  look. "What?"

"Emotion, not logic" El said repeating their words.

"What!" you exclaimed. Oh they were dead, they were farther than dead. You couldn't believe they would say that.

After a long minute, Eleven's eyes opened and she removed her blind fold super quickly.

"What happened?" you asked her.

She looked at you and started laughing, super hard. You looked at Max confused at why she was falling on the ground laughing.

"What.." Max started to say but then you both just laughed along with her.

You guys then heard a car coming up to the house and parking outside. It was the Chief. You heard him stomping inside the place, and then shouting.

Season Three (Stranger Things ff) (Season One & Two Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now