Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum

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You looked at your friends and immediately headed to the elevators, they followed.

"Hey, hey, hey! Two at a time!" the receptionist called out, but you guys didn't listen to her.

The elevators were taking forever to open so you ran up the stairs. When you got to the floor that Nancy and Jonathan went on, you turned and froze. You saw Jonathan was all beaten up and trying to open a locked door.

"Nancy!" he was yelling.

You and the group ran up and El opened the door with her mind. Inside the room, you saw some sort of monster, made by human bones and guys. It was the Mind Flayer.

"What the fuck" your eyes widened as you saw it.

It was about to attack Nancy but Eleven threw it around the room. She made it crash against the walls and then she threw it out of the building, making it fall out of the hospital.

"Go! Go! Go!" Mike shouted.

You all ran back down the stairs and ran outside the hospital to the parking lot. You saw the monster was no on the ground but it seemed destroyed like the guys turned into a goo. The Mind Flayer 'crawled' off into the sewers and it didn't come back out.

"What..the hell" you said panting "was that?"

You all exchanged a look, the Mind Flayer definitely transformed.

(The next day)

You sat on the couch with your face propped on your hands and your knees bouncing. You stared at the ground as you waited. Nancy and Jonathan were looking through a phone book and calling people, everyone else was sitting and waiting but Mike was pacing.

"It can't be good for her to be in there for this long" he said.

El was in her room trying to find the Flayed. She's been in there for a while and you knew she was probably losing a lot of blood. You were at the Chiefs place. You were worried where he was too. Why would he have to go to Illinois?

"Mike, you need to relax, I'm she's fine" you reassured him.

"What if she gets brain damage or something?" he said worrying. You rolled your eyes, he was being over dramatic.

"Oh, shit. Is that, like, a real thing?" Lucas asked.

"No, it's not, he made it up" Max said. "Mike doesn't know what he's talking about"

"Oh, and you do?" Mike shot back at her.

"No, I..." she started to say.

"Then you have no say in what she can or can't do" Mike said.

"Woah Mike, chill alright. What, you think you have a say in her actions?" you got up from the couch and look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I mean, yeah" he said.

"Oh do you?" you crossed your arms.

"I mean .." he stuttered.

"What? Because you're her boyfriend, you tell her what she can and can't do right?"

He stuttered and couldn't find a right answer. You couldn't even believe his behavior.

"She's strong enough to make her own decisions, she doesn't need you to tell her what to do" you told him.

"Okay but, she's been in there for a long time, don't you think she needs to stop? And who is she even looking for, is it really that important?" he said.

"She's looking for the Flayed dipshit, the whole reason for this damn summer" Max stood up beside you.

"Well why don't we ask the 'adults' what they think" he suggested.

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