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"Turn around Look at what you seeeeeeeeeee. In their face, the mirror of your dreamssssss. Rhymes that keep their SECRETS!"

"Shut up you guys!" you shouted.

Max and Lucas couldn't stop singing that annoying song the rest of the summer. It was getting stuck in your head and you did not want to hear it again.

You and Mike were at the Byers house, collecting boxes and helping to put them away. You were taping the boxes closed and Mike was moving them to the door. Will came into the room and put in his D&D board game in a box.

"Whoa, dude. That's the donation box" Mike told him.

"I know, I'll just use yours when I come back. I mean, if we still wanna play" he told him.

"Yeah, but what if you want to join another party?"

"Not possible" he shook his head and left the room.

You gave a small smile and looked to Mike, he didn't want them to go either.

"Hey" you went and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm gonna miss them too"

He nodded, "It just ... won't be the same"

You looked down at the floor. It really wouldn't be the same but there was nothing you guys could really do. The only thing you did was put an arm around Mike and hug him. He hugged you back, tightly.

"I'm gonna miss them too" you repeated in his shoulder.

When you pulled away, you went and walked around the Byers house. The walls were empty and the rooms were bare. There were no pictures or furniture or anything in the house anymore. They were all packed in boxes and going in the U-Haul truck outside.

As you walked through the house, you ran a hand through the walls, remembering your time in this place. Playing D&D with the party, sneaking into Will's room and sleeping over when you didn't want to be home, pillow fights with the guys, movie nights, just great memories and you couldn't believe they were leaving.

You walked into an empty room with a few boxes, El was in there packing a few things. When she looked up and saw you, she gave a small smile.

"I'm gonna miss you" she said.

You shook your head and knelt down, giving her a big hug. She was going with the Byers too. She's been staying with them after the whole Starcourt thing happened, she had nowhere else to go.

"You can stay with me, I can hide you in my closet, my mom won't know a thing" you sniffled.

She gave a small shaky laugh. "I wish you could come with me"

"We can't be away from each other" You didn't want to cry but the tears just slipped out, you quickly wiped it off before anymore could come out. You voice was super shaky, "I promised I'd take care of you"

El cried too. "I promised too"

You both hugged each other and cried on each other's shoulders. You really didn't want her leave. You were sisters and you weren't supposed to be apart.

"Remember, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Birthdays, you're coming over" you pulled away and wiped the tears away, trying to seem strong. "And I'll run away and visit you there with the guys too"

She smiled and nodded. You placed a hand on her shoulder and nodded, but you looked at the ground.

A knock was heard from outside the door and you both looked to see Mike standing outside the door. That was your cue to leave. You wiped your eyes one last time, you didn't like to cry in front of the guys. You got up and grabbed one of the taped boxes in the room and went out.

You walked outside to the U-Haul truck where Mrs. Byers was. You handed her the box and she put it in the truck.

"Thank you sweety" she said smiling but you didn't smile back, only leaned against the truck and looked at the house.

"Hey" Mrs. Byers said. She jumped off the truck and stood beside you. She took out an envelope with your name messily written on it and handed it to you. "He would've wanted you to have it"

You looked at her with the envelope in your hand, Mrs. Byers only nodded.

You went to the back of the house where no one would see you. You sat on the grass where the sun was shining right on you and you breathed. You carefully, with shaky hands, opened the envelope.

Dear Y/N,
I know I was never one for writing this kind of stuff, I don't even know if you're ever going to read this, but Joyce told me to write a stupid heart to heart for El and Mike and I thought about my feelings. Jesus. I didn't even know what those were for a long while. But after Sarah, I never thought I'd find family again, ever. But you came along and it just, I found my family again. I found my daughter again. I bandaged your scratches you got from biking, bought you a double ice cream sundae with extra fudge and whipped cream every year on your birthday, even got you your own Chief hat that you wore everyday when you were in grade school. And I felt like a father again, complete. And then El came along, and it was perfect. The day I took you to your first dance with her, it made me realize the family we had. Don't ever forget your family kid. Don't ever stop taking care of your sister, remember that, always take care of her. But just remember, before every battle, before your badass fights those monsters again, remember to stay safe kid, because you know I always am.
The Chief

Your hands were shaking a lot while they held the paper. Moving down to the last sentence the tears came out faster and heavier. You had to set the paper down so it wouldn't get wet, you tried to wipe your eyes but you just could not stop crying.

Every muscle in your body tensed as all of you shook. He saw you as his own daughter, he saw you as family and he loved you but he's gone.


You turned and saw Mike standing in front of you. He looked concerned at why you were crying. He almost never saw you cry, none of the guys did and he didn't know what was wrong.

Your red eyes just looked at him and you just kept crying. You didn't care if he saw you like this, you just put your head back down and let the tears escape.

Mike knelt down and sat beside you and wrapped his arms around you embracing you, you immediately leaned into him. He rubbed your arm and propped his head on yours as you leaned into his chest and cried.

"Promise me you won't leave Mike" you said through your thick saliva.

He looked down at you confused. "What?"

"The Chiefs gone, El's leaving. You can't leave me too" you said with more tears spilling, a choked sob escaped.

"Hey it's okay" he caressed you. "I'm not going anywhere"

You all joined back together at the front yard of the Byers house. Everyone was hugging each other and saying their goodbyes.

You hugged Will super tightly, "Don't forget about us Will the Wise" you smiled into his shoulder.

He cried on yours. "Never"

You patted Jonathan on his shoulder and you both smiled at each other. When you turned, you saw El standing with red eyes. You went over to her and hugged her one last time.

"Don't forget about me either" you told her.

She shook her head that was buried into your shoulder. "Never" she whispered.

"And don't forget, every Sunday, get a double sundae with extra fudge and whipped cream, I'll get one too so it'll be like we're both eating it together" you smiled.

She shakily laughed and nodded. You hugged her once more until you gave her over to Mike. You gave Mrs. Byers a hug too but then it was really time for them to go. Nancy, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Mike and you watched them get in their car and trucks and drive off. As you did, you and Mike put an arm around each other and watched them leave.

You sighed.

What now?

No seriously, what now? I need season four!!!

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