Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt

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This ones a long one so grab a blanket, get your food (some tissues) and get comfy'sssss

"What is that?"

"There's something in there"

You gripped your arms around El as she screamed in horrid pain. The creature inside her leg was moving violently and painly. Mike was squeezing El's hand and Jonathan suddenly got up.

"Keep her talking. Keep her awake, okay?" he told you guys.

He ran off to one of the food stands and jumped behind the counter.

"Okay okay um, distraction" you thought. "Oh! Ok"

You brought El closer to you and held her tighter. You brought a hand to her cheek and moved her head so she could look at you.

"Look at me El, don't look at your leg" you told her. She still cried in pain but she followed your order.

"Okay, when we get out of here, I'm going to buy you the biggest sundae you've ever seen. Okay, I'm talking three big fat scoops of vanilla ice cream, with a pool of chocolate fudge" El smiled at the thought as the hurting tears came out from her eyes. You continued, "Covered in chopped peanuts and topped with whipped cream, and like always your favorite, Le Cherry"

She smiled and gave a paining laugh. But it stopped when Jonathan came back with gloves on his hands, a dish towel and a sharp hot knife.

"This is gonna hurt like hell, okay?" he reassured her.

"Okay" she whimpered.

"Need you to stay real still. Here, you're gonna want to bite down on this, okay?"

He handed Mike a wooden spoon which he put in El's mouth between her teeth. Jonathan took a breath and brought the knife to her leg. You weren't one to get disgusted easily but you weren't prepared for what he was about to do to her. You held El tighter as you watched. She gripped her hands on your arms and prepared herself.

Jonathan brought the point of the knife to her skin and cut. He made a huge incision right where her bite was. El's screams were blocked by the wooden spoon in her mouth but everyone else was watching in horror. Your mouth and eyes were wide open as you watched her in pain. When he finished cutting, he dropped the knife onto the floor and looked at El. He then inserted his hand beneath her skin and searched for the son of a bitch monster. It was painful to even watch what he was doing to your sister.

"Jonathan" you mumbled hurt.

Your eyes winced and he kept looking. Eleven couldn't take it anymore. She shook her head and spat out the wooden spoon and told him to stop.

"No! Stop it!"

"Stop!" you shouted at him.

Nancy pushed him off and he took his hand out. With tears in her eyes, El tried to sit up and you helped her.

"I can do it" she said.

She stretched her hand out to the ankle and she used her powers. She shouted as she took out the slimy monster out from her leg and threw it across the room. You watched it with wide eyes and you saw it's slimy body slithering away. But suddenly, a boot stomped on it and squashed it.

You looked up and saw the Chief. He was looking at you and El with a father expression of concern and tiredness but anger. Beside him was Mrs. Byers and this random bald dude with glasses.

After you bandaged her ankle back, everyone explained to the Chief and Mrs. Byers what happened. You all caught each other up, you were all telling them about the Mind Flayer as El leaned against you, but then the random bald dude, Murray, came hollering.

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