🔎- Part 4.0

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🔎- Music: Jealousy, jealousy - Olivia Rodrigo
🔎- My new story is now out if anyone is interested :)
It was hard to grasp the concept of infatuation. Lily Evans understood what it meant to be infatuated with a being. She, after all, found herself endeared with a particular brown haired, speccy guy. What she struggled to fathom however was how anyone could ever become infatuated with her.

Lily was not by all means the most skinniest lady of Hogwarts but she was also not overweight. Her auburn red hair did not help her to see the beauty in herself either. How in the world she was supposed to believe that anyone could see her beauty when she couldn't baffled her deeply. Sure, her emerald eyes were captivating but they mostly looked like pond water if not being seen closely. Her freckles were placed oddly around her face in strange patterns which did not replicate on the other side, creating a very obvious unsymmetrical feature. And her skin was too pale, unlike the golden, goddessly glow all the other girls seemed to have.
So, it was with that, she struggled to understand James Fleamont Potter; star of the quidditch team, very athletic, nice body, perfect tan skin and dark messy hair that fell in all the right places.
On the first of September of 1971, an 11 year old Lily Evans stood in the line at the front of the great hall, waiting to be sorted. She felt very insecure with herself as she looked around at her peers and soon to become classmates. Not one person looked like her and that had made her mood turn sour drastically. Her body was too round for her liking, she preferred to have a body like the girls surrounding her had: not too much belly fat but not too little, curves that accentuated the hips, with arms and thighs relatively skinny and some cheeks that were not too chubby. Oh how she dreamed of becoming them with their beautiful skin and perfectly symmetrical faces.
And oh how she hated the way that she stuck out like a sore thumb in that singular room.
It had over all set a deep hatred for her appearance for the first time in her life.
James Potter stood in the great hall with an air of great disinterest, for he knew which house he truly belonged and would only accept that singular answer from the aged hat.
Alongside him stood the two friends he had made on the train journey to the grand castle; Remus Lupin and Sirius Black.
He stood near the front of the queue watching as people, alphabetically, sat down under the sorting hat and he awed at how the plain ties and robes switched colours correlating to their new house. Currently, the hat had just finished the 'C's and began sorting through the 'E's.

"Evans, Lily", the stern professor at the front had said.

James watched as a slightly larger girl stood out from a few rows behind him and walked hesitantly up to the stool and anxiously looked around at everyone before the hat reached over her eyes.
He could not help but think about how gorgeous she was.
When professor McGonagall had called her name, Lily had slowly stepped forward, unnerved by the many eyes staring at her. She was worried that if she hurried too much everyone would see her tummy from through her robes and so she did her best to cover it with the thick, uncoloured fabric.
When she reached the stool she sat slightly adjacent to the side and tried to discreetly place her feet to the ground to carry most of her weight so that the tiny stool she leaned upon did not creak nor break underneath her. She glanced around the room quickly to make sure that nobody was gossiping about her just yet. With that the hat covered her eyes, hiding the whole hall from her sight.
"Wow. She was so pretty! Did you see her? Did you?"
"Potter, what on earth are you rambling on about now?" Was the Curt reply from Sirius Black. Both of the boys were currently sat on James' bed talking inside of their shared dorm room of four boys.
"Lily Evans Sirius, she's simply beautiful"
"And am I meant to remember who she is or?"
"The ginger one sorted into our house!"
"Oh yes. I suppose she's alright"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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