One-Shots: 🔎- 1.0

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One-Shots;  🔎-1.0
The date was January 30th.
Always January 30th.

Harry never really felt anything on this date every year.
It was like this ever since he could remember.

Alone in his dark, damp, dusty cupboard he sat awaiting the numbness that usually followed this date.
Harry often found himself wondering why it was always like this and never any other date of the year, especially why he never felt it at Christmas as his 'family' would never allow him to celebrate. Much less open up a single present addressed to him.

🔎- Little time skip of six years (little)

Harry sat alongside his bestfriend Hermione Granger in Professor Slughorns' 'Slug Club' with a bunch of other people he did not recognise nor speak to.
It was nearing the end when the topic of parents arose. Hermione was questioned on what her parents did as they were muggles, the purebloods of the club just sneered while a few looked on with curiosity. Though that was not much.
At seeing those sneers, Harry gave a warning look to everyone who stared at Hermione, making her feel comfortable.

At the end of the night when the dinner party had ended, Harry had decided to stay behind and speak to Professor Slughorn. Not to start with his task that Dumbledore sent him, no. Instead he stayed behind to learn more about his parents, he always thought Slughorn had the best stories that weren't that biased... unless you're counting the talent Lily Evans had possessed at potions.

Harry had thoroughly come to love these conversations as he had learned more about his parents than how much he was alike to them. This made a change for him, one that he had liked for once.

That particular night Slughorn had let slip about his favourite student, not counting Tom Riddle, and this was what had Harry up all night.

🔎- Third person, still, flashback(?)

Harry sagged back in his seat whilst everyone stood, tucked their chairs in and swiftly left the room.
Slughorn sent Harry an appreciative smile, small, although slightly noticeable on his usually confused face.

"So, Harry, I'm guessing you want to hear more about your parents?"
"Yes, sir, it seems so" was the curt reply
"Very well,"

Slughorn joined Harry at the table, sat adjacent. His features homed a thoughtful expression, mulling over what else he could tell Harry about his parents. His cheeks tugged upwards and his eyes creased as a smile that seemed very out of place appeared on his face, almost as if inspiration had struck.
Which it had.
🔎- does this paragraph make sense(?)

"In 75, your parents fourth year,  (🔎- someone double check(?), they were born in 60), it was in a potions lesson that led to me making a discovery and also learning more about the muggles" Slughorn started, as if he had climbed Chimborazo single handedly and still had time to spare for a tea party afterwards. However, it was apparent Harry was listening intently, almost as if hanging onto every word being said.
He was.

"In this lesson, your mother wore a small badge, it wasn't the normal prefect badge one would earn in fifth to sixth year, but rather a strange one. A muggle one
"Upon inspection, I found it had said 'Happy Birthday' in small lettering. When I had approached your mother about this, I had learned that wearing these badges was a common occurrence in the muggle world to celebrate!"
He all but screamed the last part much like a child when it lost its mother in the shop. Although I suppose his excitement after 21 years was still there, childlike and palpable.
He continued, "After I had learned that it was Lily's birthday, I began sending her small presents each year. Little things of course, such as post cards, chocolate frogs or a new potions book"
Harry leant forward as he learned of his mother and her birthday happenings.

"So you and my mother were friends?", Harry questioned childishly.
"I guess you could say that", was the short reply from Slughorn
"Now, it's getting close to curfew I imagine, best be getting you back to Gryffindor tower before McGonagall (🔎- spell check(?))
has me for it", he laughed almost as if forced before noticing Harry was not amused, coughing to cover up his poor attempt at a joke.

"Sure sir, thank you for having me and telling me about my mother", was the polite response from Harry with a, 'albeit useless information' as an afterthought.
"You're welcome my Boy, now best be getting back to your tower"
"Yes, but first, when was my mother's birthday, actually?", Harry asked in hopes of receiving real information

"January 30th, of course", was the reply had got before the door has been shut before him. All he could do was stare off, bewildered at such a coincidence before making his way to his common room, and eventually his dorm, his mind still reeling with thoughts.

———————————————————————🔎- Present time (refer to A//N at the end for an afterthought)

Harry finally dragged himself out of bed, reluctant, but he managed it.
Looking into the mirror, he saw the after affects of last nights thoughts plaguing his physical appearance in addition to his mind. The large black bags represented a panda, while his mop of curly, ebony hair sat atop of his head as wild as ever.

A strange feeling struck Harry ever since he woke up, he felt different. Passing it off as just lack of sleep, he got ready the best he could and applied a little bit of concealer in hopes to hide his bags.

Packing his bag, Harry got ready to leave when he saw the clock.

🔎- nothing to add but it makes it look somewhat nice :)

"Where is he", Hermione could be seen repeating to Ron at Gryffindor table.
She looked over at the hum she got as a response, almost instantly her eyes flared up at the sight of Ron eating rather than also being worried.
"Do you ever stop eating!" Was the roared message.
"He'll arrive soon, he won't miss breakfast, he never does", was Ron's poor attempt at consoling his bestfriend (read crush).
"You could wait to eat!"
"Are you fat shaming me", Ron deadpanned as Hermione struggled to remain serious and fight off the laugh that she was sure was going to come.

The doors to the great hall pushed open softly but it contradicted to the loud squeak it let out. Hushed whispers were heard everywhere as Harry entered breakfast and sat with his friends, a wide genuine smile tugging on his face.

"What's with that?", Hermione asked curiously, pointing a finger towards Harry's head. Instead of reacting confused as she thought he would, his impossibly wide smile widened even more.

"It's a Lily of course, it's January 30th afterall", Was the only response she had.

AUTHORS NOTE 🔎- wowwwww.

Okay this is scary. First one-shot complete!!
I don't actually know what I'm supposed to type here exactly but I guess I'll start to explain a few things??
I know this is all very unrealistic (but aren't all fictions(?)), but this is what I feel may happen if there was a little sentiment added for /extra spice/.
Okay maybe not this exactly but I feel as if Harry were to find out his mother's birthday from anyone it would be Slughorn as he sings her praises anytime you see him speak of Lily Evans.
I also feel as if it would be Slughorn as he isn't likely to compare Harry with Lily nor James as much as sirius or Remus would or have done.
I also would feel as if Harry would wear a Lily in his hair as a memorial(?)

I refer to Lily Potter as Evans in this because it's pre-marriagal and she is yet to marry James at this point.
I don't know it just makes much more sense for me and brings ease to my mind.

I would also like to address the talking scenes in this, I love descriptive writing because it's what I'm more familiar and comfortable with and as you can probably guess, conversation is not exactly my strong point and it can and should be a whole lot better but hey-ho.

I guess that's it(?) thanks for reading!

🔎- recommendations for new one-shots(?) please leave some! if possible, I may only read the ones in the notice chapter before this one as it's much more easy to sort out and read through. Or on these little paragraphs that should be at the end of every chapter. Can't guarantee it. But if you do have some please don't leave them in the middle of these chapters as I probably won't be reading them all if not at all

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