One-Shots: 🔎- 2.2

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🔎- So I added some music, I could've chosen Ella martine with her brill Harry Potter music but i don't care, this song is mint. Luv you x

Narcissa Malfoy stood there, shocked out of her mind with the predicament that she was put in. Lucius Malfoy was left to writhe in pain as Narcissa stood open mouthed at Severus Snape.
In his hands he carried what looked to be a dead Harry Potter. Had he done this? She found herself wondering.

"Severus-" she began
"Hush Cissa, I- I need your help, you're the only one I could think of that would help without too many questions" Snape rushed to cut in.
"What are you doing! Get him inside this instant!" She cried, which was soon followed by "You best hope that the Dark Lord does not find out about this or it is our heads that will be at stake not his".
Severus meekly nodded and rushed to take Potter to the wing where Narcissa performed her healing rituals.

Severus carefully placed Harry (as not to jostle any further injuries) on the soft duvet, corrupting it with his blood. Severus deeply prayed that bringing Harry here was the right thing to do.
With that, Narcissa ushered everyone out from her workplace and got to fixing Harry.
In his room, Thomas Marvolo Riddle sad huddled in a ball, wallowing in his self pity, cursing the gods of Olympus for not answering his prayers. Perhaps that is what he got for not believing them in them though. However did he really deserve this? Were they that vindictive?

He began to feel the pain further when the bond between the two mates further diminished until it was hardly there, although it was exactly that, it was there. This gave Tom a small hope from his Veela, except his own mind refused to believe in the improbability of it all.

And so that's how he stayed for a while, huddled into his large bed, doing the unexpected, he cried. He cried at the chance of not being able to find his mate.
He cried for not being able to comfort his mate in the obvious desperate need he was in. Oh how Tom was despaired.

Eventually, sleep overtook his senses, he had managed to drain his energy fully. His deep velvet wings wrapped around himself unconsciously, trying their very best to keep the harsh truth away from him. The hope slowly dying with the Veela.
It was not minutes later that Tom was awoken by his Veela inheritance. The moment he had opened his deep crimson eyes, his nasal senses were taken full force from an erotic smell.
Tom knew then that his mate would be alright. He had his mate here with him.

This newfound hope within him had caused him to chortle madly. Not once did he question how his mate had managed to arrive at the prestigious Malfoy Manor, wavering around the protecting wards. No, he didn't care. He finally had his chance now!

With that, Tom had began to rush from his room, running as if he had never ran before. With his bond still there, hanging by a thread no less, he let his instincts lead his way.

Tom was led to the 'hospital' area of Malfoy manor, thank the stars for Narcissa, Tom had begun to chant over and over again.

'Did he dare go in and interrupt her? Disturb his mate from his prestigious treatment?'
He found himself questioning as his hand had reached out for the silver, reflective door handle, hovering above it slightly.
'This was his mate! His mate needed him!'
Was the argument he came up with

With that final decision, he made his way inwards, not expecting the sight he was met with; not unlike the rest of the residents of the home.
Darkness was all he could see.
Darkness that went on for observable miles. Darkness so suffocating he was beginning to lose his thought.

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