C H A P T E R • E I G H T E E N

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Several minutes later, after a long discussion with Dream and George about what exactly had happened with Sapnap and Rae, the three of us were sitting in our roped off private viewing gallery to witness Sapnap's fight

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Several minutes later, after a long discussion with Dream and George about what exactly had happened with Sapnap and Rae, the three of us were sitting in our roped off private viewing gallery to witness Sapnap's fight.

"Oh boy," George sighed, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. "This is gonna be good."

"Dream," I stated. "What do you think? Just from looking at her."

Dream shrugged, and I watched as his eyes ran over what was happening in the arena below. Sapnap and Rae were both down there now, and their fight was about to begin.

"It's going to be pretty even, I think," said Dream. "Rae looks strong, but I'm not convinced she can beat someone like Sapnap."

"It's best of three anyway, isn't it?" Said George. "I can see her winning one of the fights, at least. I think she's better than she's letting on."

"Dream, mind if we join you?"

At the sound of a foreign voice, Dream, George and I turned to look at the newcomers.

"Quackity? Karl? What are you doing here?" George asked immediately.

"Please call me Alex," Quackity rolled his eyes, moving a hand to brush his dark hair out of his face and tucking it away under a dark blue beanie. "Can we join you or not? We were close friends with Sapnap once, we'd like to talk."

"I suppose you can," said Dream, watching them both carefully. "You WERE good friends with Sap, or you ARE?"

Alex and Karl slipped past the rope that divided our area from the rest, and took their places at the table.

"Were," Karl admitted. "But... we'd like to rekindle the friendship."

George had visibly tensed when the two had joined us, and he didn't relax even as the two began to draw Dream into idle chatter. It was strange, to be sure. I caught George's eye curiously, trying to recall what Sapnap had told me about Alex and Karl earlier. He'd mentioned their friendship, and that they had drifted apart, but I couldn't recall anything that would put George so on edge.

My eyes returned to the arena, where my best friend was currently staring Rae down, and I wondered what was going through his head. I tuned out Dream, Karl and Alex as I watched the battles, and  was pleased to see Sapnap looked to be in fine form. He easily won the first fight, and I could see that Rae was impressed despite herself when he offered her a hand to help her to her feet. Sapnap looked confident as they prepared for the second fight, and I watched him intently, hoping he wouldn't begin to underestimate his opponent. This fight went on for much longer, and I sucked in a breath as I noticed Sapnap's swings were becoming lazy. This was one of his biggest failings - if he became overconfident, he was lazy, and tended to rely on his intuition alone to win his battles rather than putting any thought into what he was doing. Rae was ready to take full advantage of any slip ups on his part, and after a particularly sloppy block with his shield, Sapnap found himself flat on the ground, looking up at an iron sword, and a smirking brunette.

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