C H A P T E R • T H I R T Y T H R E E

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As the commotion below the trap door grew louder, Tommy paced from side to side in evident concern

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As the commotion below the trap door grew louder, Tommy paced from side to side in evident concern.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked.

"Stay out of the way," I ordered. "And keep a lookout. Let me know if anyone else shows up - friendly or not."

"What if they try and climb up the outside?" Asked Tommy.

I hesitated, because he did have a point. The building was particularly tall, but it wasn't entirely out of the question that they might try this. I looked around the roof top, wondering if there was anything else we could do.

"Chuck those barrels down on their heads," I told him, nodding towards the pile of wooden barrels that were stacked against the opposite parapet that prevented you from falling off the roof too easily.

"Really?" Tommy's eyes widened.

"Really," I stated.

The occupants of the room below had grown quieter, and I could hear them muttering to one another. I watched with interest as a pair of hands grasped the edge of the trap, and began to slowly hoist themselves upwards. First, a shock of brown hair hidden beneath a diamond helmet, and then a pair of eyes that started in alarm upon meeting my gaze.

"Good afternoon," I spoke cordially. "Nice of you to join us."

"You n' your brother better come right down here now!" He stated, as though informing me of a surprising piece of news. "We've surrounded you!"

"Oh, well done, I'm sure your boss is most proud," I congratulated him, and then, aware that my tendency towards sarcasm in awkward situations could only take me so far, delivered a hefty whack to the man's diamond helmet with the blunt edge of my trident.

The invader disappeared with a howl of rage, and I smiled slightly. There had been no arrow shots yet, and I considered the fact that perhaps Schlatt's solders did not carry any with them. There was quiet for a few short moments, before muted whisperings could be heard from below. The volume slowly increased as they began to disagree.

"Get back up there!"

"I can't! She'll only..."

"She'll what, huh? What's a queen gonna do to you? The girl sits in a palace all day with a tiara on her head."

"She's got a weapon! She can fight, you know that!"

"You mean to say you can't beat her?"

"You go up there and try it!"

I nodded in approval.

"Yeah. Come on," I called down through the trapdoor. "What's stopping you?"

There was stunned silence below for a space, before the conversation began again. They appeared to be arguing over who should be the one to go through the trapdoor first, and I waited patiently for them to decide, absently rapping my trident against the edge of the trapdoor. The more time they wasted, the better, and I began to plan how I could get away from both Wilbur and Tommy with the discs. I'd been bluffing earlier when I'd told Tommy my friends would show up - Sapnap and Punz would be waiting dutifully in the tunnels below. They had their own mission to complete, and would assume I was still busy with mine.

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