C H A P T E R • T H I R T Y F I V E

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I was frozen in place, unable to take my eyes off our former friend and ally. Bad, the boy I'd grown up with, the man who had been one of our closest guards and allies since he was old enough to do so. Skeppy stood by his side, clad in matching netherite armour with his best friend, although both of them wore diamond boots, and carried diamond weapons.

"Bad, how could you?"

"Hand over the rings, Alexa."

When he spoke, his voice was low and gravelly, a tone creeping into it that I had never heard before. His darker than usual eyes seemed to draw me in, and I shook my head, eyeing his hold on Techno. I knew my brother was stronger than him, so why hadn't he broken free yet?

"Why do YOU want the rings?" I asked, exasperated. "I thought you wanted to live a peaceful life in a bakery or something."

Bad snorted with derision.

"You're all fools if you really fell for that. I can scarcely believe it worked."

I stared at him. My heart felt like a stone, and I knew the colour had fled from my face.

"So all of that... everything you said..."

"How does betrayal feel, your majesty?" He asked, mockingly. "The Badlands is my home, it has always been my home, and we are hungry for more land."

"No, there's no way, Bad we grew up together! We... you were one of the nicest people I've ever known!"

"Bad, let's get this over with quickly, you know what to do," Schlatt's voice came from behind, and I turned to see that George had been forced to fall back to protect his king upon the arrival of the Badlands army. Karl and Rae had now joined Quackity in his place beside Schlatt, and my eyes briefly flicked to where Sapnap was still holding Wilbur back with Punz. My bodyguard's expression was blank, however, and I was glad he was able to hide his weaknesses so well. It was a small positive in a terrible situation, however, because now, everyone's eyes were on me, and I didn't know what to do.

Schlatt, now armed, stepped forward slowly and with purpose, moving past Dream and George, and down the steps of the platform. The terrified L'Manburgians parted to allow him through as he approached me, his pitch black eyes watching my every move with laser like precision. The rings felt heavy on my fingers as I gripped my trident, and tried to clear my head. Behind me, Techno shifted slightly under Bad's iron grip, whilst Phil and Tommy stood with drawn swords to one side. Too many people I cared about were in imminent danger, and I had to choose my next few words carefully.

"What do you want with my family, Schlatt?"

The tall man before me raised a dark eyebrow at my words, coming to a halt immediately before me.

"Ah, well that depends, doesn't it, your majesty. Which family are you referring to?"

He watched my reaction to his words closely, and I was careful to give nothing away.

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