C H A P T E R • T W E N T Y N I N E

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Dream was uncharacteristically quiet for the next few days, his evident depression like a blanket that covered the castle

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Dream was uncharacteristically quiet for the next few days, his evident depression like a blanket that covered the castle. I knew he needed to mourn, however, and I prevented any attempts to shake him out of it. Punz and Sapnap wanted to haul him back to the battle plans, and in a way, they were right to expect this of the king. I managed to convince them to allow him time to get over this on his own, and thankfully, George backed me up.

"He's such a dumbass," Sapnap rolled his eyes. "Why does he wait until we're at war to decide to go into mourning?"

"He is a dumbass," George agreed, shrugging his shoulders. "But that doesn't change the fact that this is something he needs to get through by himself. Lex is right, you two need to leave him alone if he doesn't want company."

"What are we supposed to do then?" Asked Punz, a hand running through short blonde hair in exasperation. "I understand he needs time but what if that's time we don't have?"

"Show me the plans," I told him. "I can confirm them for you, I'm happy to wear it if you don't get to speak to Dream about it before this goes ahead."

"Are you sure?" Asked Sapnap, dark eyes narrowing slightly.

"I'm sure, Sapnap," I nodded firmly. "Come on now, let's go."

Sapnap and Punz turned to look at each other, before simultaneously turning and walking out of the common room to go to the library. Behind me, George gave an amused chuckle.

"What?" I asked, turning to look at him.

George smiled at me knowingly.

"It's just funny to see you suddenly grow a backbone the minute Dream's not around."

I snorted.

"Says you. When was the last time you said no to him?"

George full on laughed at this, and patted me affectionately on the back, shoving me gently towards the door after Sap and Punz.

"Other way round, Lex. He can't say no to me!"

The plan, adjusted after the new developments with Wilbur, consisted of three parts geared towards sparing as many lives as possible, which was Dream's only stipulation before he descended into apathy regarding the whole thing.


Find out if Wilbur was telling the truth about my background and where my other brothers are.


Capture the winner of the L'Manburg election and hold them as hostage in exchange for surrender.


Hold a festival to calm everybody down.

"I mean... you can't say it's foolproof..." I began.

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