Chapter Four

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My head was spinning with the information she'd just given me. I'd imagined a million things that she might tell me. Ironically, her being an extraterrestrial had entered my mind, but I'd never really entertained the notion. After the initial shock wore off and I knew she was telling the truth, I'd accepted her for what she was. What else could I do, really? I was in love with her and I felt bound to her in a way that I couldn't even begin to explain.

I also had this indescribable urge to serve her. Luckily for me, she was going to give me the opportunity to do just that in a few minutes. Last night I'd served her without a blindfold on after she'd given me my collar, but it had been a consummation of our bond, not a true scene where I was serving her in the way I traditionally did. Today I was both excited and nervous. Would she still have me wear a blindfold? Or would I be able to see what was going on?

While I was finishing in the kitchen, my Mistress walked out of the playroom and down a hall. I wanted to ask where she was going but she spoke first.

"I would like you in the playroom, nude, in the inspection position in five minutes."

Her tone was commanding and left no room for questions. The instructions caused wetness to gather between my legs and spread to my thighs since I was only wearing a dress shirt and no panties.

Rushing to put away the last dish, I hurriedly removed her shirt. I folded it neatly and placed it on the floor outside the red door of the playroom. Entering, I was surprised to see it looked different than it did when I'd left it after my shower. There were candles lit all over the room, casting shadows on the smoky gray walls. The candlelight flickered, reflecting off the leather of the chairs and couch, along with the leather that covered the wall on the far side of the room.

Before I moved into the waiting position, I looked at the black leather bench to see which objects she planned on using today. I was thrilled by what I saw. The first thing I spotted was the flogger. No longer afraid she was only using it to punish me, I groaned in anticipation. I also saw a small, vibrating silver egg, nipple clamps, a tiny round bell, and a black leather collar. While I was excited by all of the objects, I was more excited by what wasn't there. The one object that had been present in every scene—my blindfold—was missing and I couldn't have been happier.

I dropped to my knees and moved into the waiting position my Mistress had taught me, keeping my eyes trained on the floor. It was much harder than I thought it would be when I heard her open the door to the playroom.

I could see her bare feet as she walked around me in a tight circle. "Inspection position," she commanded. "And I realize you haven't done this without a blindfold. I still want you to grab your ankles and arch your back for me, but since it's impossible to keep your eyes down, you will close them during the inspection."

I complied with her command and waited for her to inspect me. Usually inspections were quick, but today she seemed to be taking her time. She lifted my breasts, pinching each nipple before letting it fall again. When she moved between my legs, she held my pussy lips open and looked for a while.

"Does this hurt?" she asked, running her finger down my slit. "You will answer me verbally."

"It's just a bit sore, Mistress," I answered honestly.

"If it begins to hurt, you must say rose so I can slow down or stop. If you need me to stop immediately, you must say mum. Do you remember your safe words?"

Of course I remembered them. "Yes, Mistress, I remember." I'd used rose in the past when I felt like I was going to come without permission, but I'd never said mum. I couldn't imagine a situation where my Mistress would push me to the point I'd need to say the word that would end the scene.

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