Chapter Ten

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It hadn't even been a week since I'd gone to work. Nothing really changed, but everything was different. First of all, Lauren and I drove in together; we walked into the building together, too.

She stood several feet from me as we waited for the elevator, and I looked at her curiously. She hadn't touched me once since we'd left the car, which was the longest we had gone without physical contact since she'd revealed herself to me. When the elevator chimed we stepped in, finding ourselves alone in the car.

I took a breath and asked her what was on her mind. "You haven't touched me since we got here. Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong. It's hard to keep my hands off of you, but as much as I control the playroom and set the pace in the bedroom, we are at work. I wasn't sure if you'd like our relationship made public or not, so what you decide to tell people, if anything, is up to you."

I smiled up at her, but the look she gave me in return was pure lust. "Like I said, this is at work, but at are all mine. And this," she growled, squeezing my ass, "is going to get spanked tonight for wearing such a sexy outfit and driving me out of my mind today." I gasped. "Don't think I forgot about training that little asshole to take my cock, either. Maybe...just maybe, we'll start tonight."

I knew my mouth was hanging open when the elevator doors opened to our floor. She strode away from me, leaving me standing there practically paralyzed. The closing of the elevator doors was the only thing that snapped me out of it, and I quickly pressed the button to reopen them before I ended up on another floor.

"Geez, Mila! Rough weekend?" Candy asked, walking up to me. "I mean, it's really not that hard. Get in, press button, get out."

Fuck her. I didn't say it, but I wanted to. Instead, I put on my, 'why don't you go eat shit smile' and responded to her question. "No, it wasn't a rough weekend. I just didn't get much sleep."

"Yeah, Shane said you took some personal time Thursday and Friday. Was there like some sort of wizard convention or vampire thing? I know how much you like to read."

You know, she was right; I did like to read. I even liked the books that she was referring to, but she made it sound like that was all my life was about. Lauren had said it was up to me how much I disclosed, so I decided to give her just a little taste. "Actually, I was with someone. We stayed in."

I turned and walked away, but she was right behind me. "Wait...someone? As in a person?" What the fuck other kind was there? "Like, not a relative?" Oh, apparently that was the other kind. What a fucking bitch. I almost turned around and told her it was the girl she'd been trying to land, and that she was even more amazing in bed than she could have ever imagined, but the presence of Shane stopped me.

"Hey, Mila," Shane said, walking up to Candy and me. "You forgot your jacket at the house yesterday. And by the way, that dress you were wearing was smokin'."

"Thanks," I said, taking the jacket. "I really enjoyed breakfast."

I hadn't realized how the conversation must have sounded until I turned to see Candy standing there, mouth agape, looking between the two of us.

"Oh. My. Gawd!" Shane looked at her in confusion. "You're with Shane?"

"Well, she was yesterday," he laughed, "and you're still coming out on Wednesday, right? I can't even imagine how fucking hot you're going to look. Better not let Lauren hear me, though. She's so overprotective." He chuckled and walked away. I knew Candy was confused and I loved it. Before she could ask any more questions, I left her standing there without another word.

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