𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 31

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I met her at church but she could be Satan


It was a dark, gloomy night at Hogwarts. December was near, meaning everything was frozen. The low temperature outside was contrasting with Tom's bedroom. The fire, the sweaty bodies, the warm blanket.

Tom traced his finger in Freyja's naked arm. His cold touch on her warm shoulder was making her heart flutter. Freyja loves touching. Even if it is not in a sexual way. Just touching each other while cuddling in bed.


"Yes, sweetheart ...?"

"I was thinking of what you promised me a few weeks ago..."

"What did I promise you?"

"When I am going to take the dark mark?"

"Whenever you want. The sketch is ready."


"Alright. Tomorrow morning you take the mark and tomorrow night I introduce you to the death eaters."

"I know them."

"Firstly, you know most of them. Secondly, I will not introduce you as 'Freyja O'Lone'"

"How will you?"

"You will see. Just be patient, darling. Curiosity killed the cat."

The next morning...

"Where are we going?" Freyja asked, grabbing his arm.

"To the forbidden forest"

"Why? Couldn't we just do it in the room of requirements?"

"No. I wanted it to be out of the castle and I have something to show you. Don't tell me you are scared!"

"Have we met? Why would I be scared of a forest?"

"Well, a lot of people are."

"I am not a lot of people"

After a lot of walking, they finally reached their destination. They were far away from the school. The fog making it almost invisible.

"Now, I want you to take off your shirt."

"Tom, we are not here to have sex."

"I know. I don't want my girlfriend to have the ordinary mark like everyone else. It will be different and unlike the others, it will be placed on your ribs, instead of your forearm."

Freyja smirked and took off her shirt with rapid movements. Tom pulled his wand out and pointed it at her. 'morsmordre'. A very detailed snake appeared on her skin. It was black, with beautiful patterns among its skin. A rose with hundreds of petals was hugging it. Tom drew it himself. He wanted something unique for his love.

Freyja felt her skin burning, but she was such a sucker for pain. After a while, the redness left and it cooled down.

Tom then pointed his wand at the dark sky and whispered the exact same words. The dark mark appeared in the sky, surrounded by a green, dim light. He smirked at the view. He felt so powerful seeing his own creation. His dream was slowly becoming true.

"What do you think?"

"I love it!"

"Glad you like it."

"I have to go now. I promised Bella I would go shopping with her."

"Have fun, darling. And don't forget, we have a meeting tonight."

"I will not."

Midnight, room of requirements.

Tom placed his hand on Freyja's lower back, guiding her way. Once they arrived at the special wall, the door came to light and they entered the room. All the team was waiting for them. They were even more than Freyja was expecting. They were about twenty-teens, all wearing green robes.

"Good evening, I would like to introduce you to someone. Stand up!"

All the kids got up from their seats, staring at Tom and the woman that was accompanying him.

"Most of you know her." Everyone nodded "However, you may know her as miss Freyja O'Lone. Forget that name. From now on, you will only refer to her as 'My lady'. I am your lord and she is your lady. Did I made myself clear?"

Everyone nodded again. The annoyance at Brea's eyes was something that made Freyja smirk. Freyja knew that almost every girl in that school would kill to be called 'The dark lady'. They would kill to be in her place. And that made Freyja feel superior.

Tom was relaxing in the common room, reading his favourite book. The fire keeping him company.

"Tom!" Freyja's concerned voice made him move away from his eyes from the pages. She was running down the stairs, holding a brown piece of paper.

"What happened?" Freyja sat down next to tom and passed him the letter she was holding. "Read this"

My dearest daughter,

With great melancholy, I inform you that the annual Christmas ball will not be happening this year. I am aware that in seventy-five years the O'Lone ball had never been cancelled. Due to problems the ministry is facing because of the muggle war, it would be too dangerous for the event to happen.

I know that it is your favourite celebration of the year, but I don't want to put you at great risk. I am deeply sorry to announce it to you through a letter, but I am really busy with work. Sadly, I also have to be absent from 20th December until 15 January.

I hope my letter finds you well,

Lilith Esmeralda O'Lone.

"Why are you shocked?" Tom gave the paper back to Freyja

"Didn't you read? We never cancelled the ball. Not even when my father died. I am really worried. Why is my mother in danger?"

"You need to calm down. Just like she said, she is busy"

"Tom, you don't understand. She never works on holidays. And what did she meant when she said that it would be too dangerous?"

"There is a world war going on and your mom is the minister."

"Yes, I know... Would you like to come with me, to the O'Lone manor? I never spent Christmas alone and I definitely don't want to stay here."

"I would love to. And we can spend my birthday together too." Tom opened his arms and Freyja quickly fell inside them. He gently rubbed her back, calming her down.

"Don't worry, my lady, everything is going to be alright."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 (𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞) Where stories live. Discover now