𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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Seduce and destroy


 The day was really tiring for the kids. They all sat at the table in the great hall, in silence, unlike the rest of the people in the room.  Evangeline Sallow, Tom Riddle , Abraxas Malfoy and Darius Lastrange sat across from Bella Sallow , Adryan Ashford, Antonin Dolohov and Cosmo Black.

  Eva sat next to Tom, stroking lightly his hair, as they waited for the food to appear on the table.

    Tom inhaled deeply, shutting his eyes.

"Eva, can you stop playing with my hair? It annoys me! " Tom complained to the girl, without even looking at her.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry "Eva apologized, talking her hand away from his head.

Everyone was talking with each other until headmaster Dippet started speaking

"May I have your attention, please? Today, we are very pleased to welcome a new student from Beauxbatons. She is in fifth year and I want you to make her feel welcomed."

  "New student? Oh, we will make her feel more than welcomed " Abraxas winked to Darius and he smirked.

Tom ignored them and continued reading his book.

The fifteen-year-old girl opened the big doors and walked into the Great Hall. All the eyes turned her way. But she chose to focus on two blues from the Slytherin table.

She walked confidently in the front. She sat in the chair and professor Dumbledore placed the shorting hat in her head.

The sorting hat started speaking.

"Miss O'lone... what an honor... hmm... I see... intelligence ... but you are also cunning... Ravenclaw really suits you... but there isn't a single O'lone that didn't went in Slytherin. And the house of Salazar Slytherin fits you perfectly. You have what it takes... but what do you want ,dear?  "

" I would be satisfyed with whatever house you put me in. But I couldn't agree less with the Slytherin option "

" Very well then... SLYTHERIN !"

A small, satisfied smile decorated her face. The Slytherin table started cheering for their new arrival. Even Tom Riddle got his eyes off his book and started clapping.

She walked over there with pride and a hand waved her telling her to go their way.

"Hi! I'm Bella Sallow . Nice to meet you! "

"Nice to meet you too " Freyja said and sat next to her new friend

"This is Abraxas Malfoy, Darius Lestrange, Adryan Ashford, Evangeline Sallow, Antonin Dolohov, Cosmo Black and the one and only, Tom Riddle "

"Hey guys"

"And what's your name, sweetheart? " That platinum blonde-haired boy next to her asked.

"Feyja "

"Nice name.  " Abraxas told the new girl

" Thank you.  In Norse mythology, Freyja is a goddess associated with love, beauty, sex, gold, war and deathI am actually really proud of my name. "

"Interesting "

What a name for what a girl. Tom thought.

Tom was pretending to read but in reality, he was trying to enter the new girl's mind, but she blocked him right away.

She turned around and looked at him. She raised her eyebrow with a small, winning smile decorating her face. 

"Don't you have a last name? "

"O'lone . Freyja O'lone"

The whole group turned and looked at her with wide-open eyes.

   The O'lone family is a legend. Alexander O'lone, the greatest wizard of all times. Lillith O'lone, the one and only minister of magic. The whole family, for generations, have done legendary things and you can say that extraordinary magic skills are in their DNA

"Your family is legendery!  " The third girl in the group said a little too loud

"I am aware "

"That's awesome! " Adryan said with sparkle on his eyes

"Why you came now in Hogwarts? "

"And you are Tom Riddle... Your name doesn't remind me of something... Strange... "

She tried to get in the mind of the boy across her, but the only thing she saw, was an orphanage before he blocked her

"You didn't answer my question.. "

"Neither you did... "

"Ladies first "

"The war.  You must have a lot new students due to the muggle war. Sadly, it effects us too. "

He looked at her with a cold look, emotionless. Her look was enigmatic and mysterious.

His eyes had a little black in the blue. Something you could barely see.

"Now, if you excuse me, I would like to go to my dorm to get some sleep " The tall, handsome boy said and got up from the table and started walking to the door.

"So Freyja , tell as a bit about yourself"

"Well, there are not much to say... Pure blood witch from a wealthy and famous family. A typical Slytherin! Excuse me, but I think that I will follow the steps of Riddle and go to my dorm to rest. It was a tiring day. See you tomorrow. "

She got up and started walking fast, so she can catch up with the boy. She opened the big and heavy doors and looked around. The hallway was completely empty and Tom Riddle was nowhere to be seen.

"Riddle! Riddle! " 

She started running around to find the wizard.

"There you are. "

He turned around, his hands behind his back and his eyes focused on hers.

"So you are an orphan.. That's why your name doesn't sound familiar. You are muggle born... "

  The wizard tightened his jaw and looked at her with the same emotionless look he normally has.

"Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against muggleborns. They are neutral to me. But my question is.... How did you ended up in Slytherin? There are only pure blood in this house"

He didn't answer...

He tried to look into her mind once again but without a result.

"It's not going to work. I have strong walls. "

"Nor of us is who they appear to be "

"Couldn't agree more"

She smirked and looked at the blue eyes in front of her.

Beautiful eyes

He looked at her black eyes, trying for one more time to break her walls.

"Again? "

"Yes. Until it works... One day I will learn whats in that little head of yours... "

He turned around and left leaving her in the empty hallway. She sighed and left to go to her dorm.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 (𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞) Where stories live. Discover now