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Chapter 32


After dinner, Shen Xi sat on the carpet under the Christmas tree with a mug in her hands. Leaning against the sofa, she looked up at the glowing lights and the colorful decorations hanging on the green pine needles. She smiled and looked at the man standing beside her. "You asked Mrs. Zhang to decorate it?"

"No..." Su Hang intuitively wanted to deny it but realized that he didn't have to hide such things anymore. He had already confessed. But he still felt a little awkward, so his ears were red as he nodded. "I did it."

Shen Xi's heart turned sweet. She looked at the embarrassed man and wanted to laugh.

"Come sit down." Shen Xi patted at the empty spot next to her.

Su Hang bent down and sat next to Shen Xi with his legs crossed. The distance between their bodies was minuscule. Su Hang felt that if he moved just the tiniest inch, he would be able to touch the corners of Shen Xi's clothes. It made his eyes gentle.

Chu Wu was a labrador, a genius dog. Because he was so smart, Chu Wu decided not to discuss past grudges with his father and instead laid down on the other side of the Christmas tree.

"Back in that small town, there was something you didn't properly explain. You should talk about it now." Shen Xi suddenly said.

"What did you want to know?" Su Hang asked.

"Do you remember what you said to me yesterday?" Shen Xi reminded him.

"I...I...." Su Hang glanced at Shen Xi, then bowed his head. After a while, he managed to look at her in the eye and say: "I like you."

"...." How come she never realized that Su Hang had such a pure and innocent heart, ah? It was so obvious. Look at him, trying to steal a glance. Shen Xi was amused by this little wife of hers. Shen Xi tamped down a chuckle and asked: "When did you start liking me?"

Su Hang hadn't expected Shen Xi to ask such a thing. He nervously picked at the carpet as he thought about it. In the end, he decided to tell her the truth. "A long time ago."

Sure enough. Shen Xi nodded and motioned Su Hang to continue.

"To be honest, we've met each other before." Su Hang started. "Although you may not remember it."

"Really? When?" Shen Xi knew that they must've met before. Otherwise, how could Su Hang have had a crush on her before their marriage? But when did they meet? Shen Xi really couldn't remember.

"You were in primary school. Grade two or three, I think. I was walking near your school, collecting mineral water bottles at the time." Su Hang explained.

Shen Xi blinked and tried to remember. She really couldn't remember. She had no recollection of primary school and mineral water bottles coinciding in her childhood.

"At that time, I didn't have, and ID card and couldn't get a proper job. I could only pick up garbage for money." Su Hang said. "Your school is pretty elite, and all the students have good family conditions, so your school's trash has a lot of good things."

"I picked up plenty: brand new pencil cases, school bags, dolls, a football with a little scratch on the side...I would take them off of the trash can and give them to the younger kids in my orphanage." Maybe it was because he had finally established a proper relationship with Shen Xi. When Su Hang talked about his past, he no longer had an inferiority complex.

"But the security of our school should be top-notch. How did you get in?" Shen Xi asked.

Su Hang answered: "Over the wall. The security guards of your school change shift at 3:00 p.m. every day. That's when I would climb the wall."
"Then, how did we meet?" Shen Xi asked.

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