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Chapter 36



On the big bed, a beautiful woman's eyelashes trembled. Her eyes slowly opened, and she felt a  momentary sense of confusion.

Shen Xi blinked, then focused on the face that was centimeters away from hers. After a short moment of disbelief, memories of last night flooded into her. And along these memories came an aching body.

This man, no matter which lifetime, is so...

Shen Xi began to feel a little angry. But when she saw Su Hang's peaceful, smiling face, she froze. In both lifetimes...in the thousand days and nights they've slept together...this was the first time this man had shown such an expression.

Shen Xi couldn't help but think back to the first time they had sex in her last life. Her memory of that night was fuzzy, but there was one moment that she remembered in exceptional clarity. After they had sex, when Su Hang thought she had fallen asleep, he had whispered, 'I'm sorry' in her ear. Those words filled her heart with such heavy sadness that she was unable to sleep for a long time.

Are you apologizing to me? Or are you apologizing to the girl you secretly loved?

With those questions circling her mind, Shen Xi had woken up alone in bed the next morning. Wrapped in snow-white sheets with an aching body, Shen Xi had never felt so grief-stricken. There was a vast chasm in her heart, and at that moment, she was too tired to resist. There was no more hope and expectation left in her.

While Shen Xi was focused on past memories, she had failed to notice that Su Hang was actually awake. He had woken up before Shen Xi, but pretended to be asleep so he could stay in bed. Noticing that Shen Xi wasn't moving, Su Hang couldn't help but quietly open an eye to carefully check the situation.

But what he saw made him stop all pretense, as fear and panic gripped his heart. Shen Xi was sad. She's sad.

Su Hang was shocked. He wrapped his arms around Shen Xi and hurriedly apologized. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

"Sorry? Shen Xi looked up at the man in front of her. For a moment, the emotions she had on that horrible day in her last life surged back. Without thought, she asked: "You're sorry?"

"I-I..." Su Hang grit his teeth, then sighed in resignation. "I wasn't drunk last night. I was pretending...I-It's all my fault."

"Pretend?" Shen Xi blinked back the complicated emotions from her past and managed to accurately focus on the critical point of his sentence.

"Nn." Su Hang nodded. "Sorry."

So he hadn't been drunk last night? He was actually faking? Shen Xi's anger came back, and she couldn't help but bite Su Hang's arm to vent.

Su Hang quietly hummed, immediately relaxing the muscles in his arm so Shen Xi wouldn't get hurt. He patiently waited for Shen Xi to let go, then looked at the resulting teeth marks. Seeing the tiny amount of blood, Su Hang suddenly chuckled.

Seeing the man smile, Shen Xi's anger doubled. She said: "Are you proud of yourself?"
"Not proud, but happy." Su Hang replied.

Happy! Shen Xi became furious. She looked at his arms, trying to find another spot to bite.

"You can bite here." Su Hang was afraid that Shen Xi would get tired of biting him, so he willingly offered his other hand.

Shen Xi felt like a cat being teased. She was doing her best with fangs showing and claws extended, but her owner's face remained silly and pain-free.

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