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Chapter 41

The Su President's office.

Su Hang had just come back from a conference and sat on his chair. As he did so, his gaze habitually landed on the photo placed prominently on his desk. After a while, he bent down and pulled out a worn-out rabbit doll from the bottom drawer.

Whenever Su Hang was in a bad mood, he used to take out this doll and think about the chubby little girl with red eyes who called him big brother. Recently though, he had married the red-eyed girl, so he had forgotten about this doll.

After all, since he could see the real person anytime he wanted, there was no need for this reminder. However, because of last night, Su Hang couldn't help but reminiscence the time he first met Shen Xi.

He was eight years old, and the weather was very hot that summer. At that time, the orphanage dean had suffered a heat stroke due to overexertion and was admitted into the hospital. In order to raise money and help the dean recuperate well, the auntie cooked a meal for the dean every single day and tasked little Su Hang to take the bus and deliver the food.

While he did this, little Su Hang also took the opportunity to pick up some mineral water bottles in the alley next to the hospital to make some money. The alley was dark and messy, but there were a lot of bottles. On this particular day, he had sold the bottles for 10 yuan and happily bought a bun for himself. Then, all of a sudden, he heard a child crying and the barking of a dog.

"Wah...don't chase me!"


The child's panicked cry sounded very abrupt in the alley. When Su Hang turned around, he saw a little girl in a pink and white princess dress running towards him, followed by a dirty stray dog.

The stray dog wasn't big, but it certainly looked scary enough to children. Fortunately, the stray dog seems to have a lame leg, so it couldn't catch up to the little girl. It was just barking fiercely, a growl rising from its throat.

The small Shen Xi ran into little Su Hang's arms and cried: "Big brother, help me."

Su Hang immediately hid the little girl behind him to protect her. After he noticed the dog staring at the bun in his hands, he threw his newly bought bun at the dog. The stray dog quickly grabbed the food with its mouth, then limped away, leaving Su Hang to lead the scared little girl out of the alley.

Although little Shen Xi's face was covered in tears, it couldn't hide the fact that she was dressed like a child of a rich family. After being saved by Su Hang, little Shen Xi tightly grasped his hand and sobbed as she thanked him: "Big brother, thank you for saving me."

"What's your name?" little Su Hang sullenly asked.

"My name is Shen Xi. I'm three years and five months old." The small girl replied, blinking her big red eyes as she did so.

Little Su Hang looked down at the young girl. He noticed the remnants of a pancake on her shoes and realized why the stray dog had been chasing her. He had already gone through garbage for money for a year. He knew enough to know not to touch the trash cans when there are stray dogs nearby. Little Su Hang would always make sure to wait for the dogs to rummage through the trash first, otherwise, the dogs would attack him for robbing their food.

"Where's your family?" Little Su Hang asked.

"My mother is sick, and my father is with her. I...I'm lost. Big brother, can you please take me to my parents?" Little Shen Xi knew that she had to follow her father, but her father walked too fast. She couldn't catch up with him and eventually, she lost her way.

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