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Chapter 31



Because people still needed to work on Monday, so after lunch the next day everyone set off back to S City. For most of them, it felt like they barely arrived before needing to leave again. But Shen Xi felt like so much time had passed. After all, her relationship with Su Hang had taken such a huge leap forward.

After a three and a half hour flight, the plane landed at S City Airport.

The four people dragged their luggage out of the passageway, and when they arrived at the elevators, Su Hang said to Shen Xi: "I'll go get the car in the parking lot. Just wait for me at the exit."

"I'll go with you." Shen Xi insisted.

"I can go alone; It'll be boring." Su Hang shook his head.

"Then give me the luggage." Shen Xi replied, reaching for the bags Su Hang was holding.

"I can take it." Su Hang avoided Shen Xi's hands and said: "Just wait for me."

Shen Xi's cheeks turned a little red. Su Hang's doting tone made her feel very spoiled. Especially when Yun Shu was pointedly blinking at her. In the end, Shen Xi could only nod her head while feeling embarrassed.

Su Hang nodded back, then turned towards the parking lot.

Shen Xi watched Su Hang's retreating figure and thought to herself: This man really doesn't do things half-baked. Even just getting the car was done with such a determined stride.

"Then wait at the entrance with Xiao Xi. I'll get my car and drive you back." Shang HeXu said to Yun Shu.

"Un." Yun Shu nodded.

Shang HeXu smiled, then dragged his luggage towards the parking lot.

"I realized something." Yun Shu said as she watched Shang HeXu leave.

"What?" Shen Xi asked.

"Your Mr. Su, the man who had been hostile to HeXu this entire trip, deliberately walked away first so he wouldn't have to walk with HeXu to the parking lot. I guess he's still immensely jealous." Yun Shu joked.

"It's not like that. They just aren't that familiar with each other." Shen Xi replied.

"Fine, fine, keep lying to yourself. But I know you can see it just as well as I do." Yun Shu said with a smirk.

"What do you want me to do?" Shen Xi helplessly said. "If I told him not to get jealous of Shang HeXu, do you think it'll actually change anything?"

"It depends on how you say it." Yun Shu's expression suddenly turned indecent. "For example, you can wear some sexy lingerie and whisper it into his ear."
"Shut up!" A red Shen Xi angrily pushed Yun Shu away.

"Hahahaha...." Yun Shu laughed hard.

"I'm ignoring you." Shen Xi walked off in a huff.

After Yun Shu's laughter petered off, she grabbed her luggage and ran to catch up with Shen Xi. The two chatted while they walked towards the airport entrance.

"I used to think that Su Hang was nothing but a boring man. But after this morning, I realized that he's a pretty interesting person." Yun Shu commented.

"What happened this morning?" Shen Xi doubtfully asked.

"He quarreled with YingYing." Yun Shu replied with a smile.

"YingYing? Really??" Su Hang was a man of few words. Even with her, he only says a few more words. With strangers, he basically doesn't pay any attention to them.

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