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Chapter 37

TL: Xefielle
Editor: Jessamy



Shen Xi stayed in the attic all afternoon. After Mrs. Zhang finished cleaning the house, she took Chu Wu out for a bath. It was only when she finished making dinner that Shen Xi came down from the attic.

When Mrs. Zhang saw Shen Xi come down the stairs, she noticed that her expression didn't seem right. But when Mrs. Zhang opened her mouth, she wasn't able to ask her what was wrong.

"Bark!" Chu Wu, who was full of grievance, ran towards his mother. He felt wronged because his mother hadn't played with him today.

Shen Xi crouched and rubbed Chu Wu's fluffy head. Eventually, her expression softened.

"Stupid." Shen Xi laughed as she scolded. She didn't know whether she was scolding a certain man that was very similar to Chu Wu, or the dog himself.

"Bark!" All Chu Wu understood was that his mother was patting his head. Loving the attention, he squinted his eyes and wagged his tail even harder.

Mrs. Zhang felt relieved when she saw this scene. This household finally managed to be a regular, loving home, ah. She really hoped nothing would disrupt this harmony.

Mrs. Zhang continued to prepare dinner, and Shen Xi took Chu Wu to sit on the sofa and read a book.

"Woof." Chu Wu laid quietly on the carpet. After a while, he suddenly raised his ears and barked.

"Hm?" Shen Xi lifted her gaze from the book, puzzled.

After seeing Chu Wu's posture, Shen Xi had a guess as to why he was suddenly alert. And sure enough, the sound of a car engine was heard outside.

Su Hang was back.

Shen Xi put down her book, wrapped her shawl tighter around her shoulders, then walked out the door.

Su Hang parked his car, opened his door, and was about to pat Chu Wu's head when he saw a slim figure from the corner of his eyes.

The hand that was about to pet Chu Wu immediately froze. With his other hand still on the car, he turned his head and looked at the beautiful Shen Xi standing at the front door.

"Welcome back." Shen Xi smiled and casually greeted.

"Yes!" The stupefied Su Hang could only reply with a single word. This was the first time Su Hang had ever felt so ecstatic over these two simple words. He was so happy that he couldn't help but giggle like an idiot.

"What are you laughing about, ah? Get in the house." Shen Xi was speechless.

"Nn." Feeling like he was in a dream, Su Hang closed his car door and floated towards the house. He walked until he was right in front of Shen Xi, seemingly forgetting about the excitable dog running around his feet.

"What's the matter?" Shen Xi saw that Su Hang didn't enter the house and instead stood in front of her. She thought that Su Hang had something he wanted to say to her.

"I'm back," Su Hang repeated softly with a grin.

"I know. Didn't I greet you just now?" Shen Xi was confused.

"Nn." Su Hang gave her an awkward smile. "I just wanted to say it again."

"Bark!" Seeing that he couldn't get his dad's attention, Chu Wu slotted himself between the two people, trying to force them to look at him.

Su Hang finally remembered Chu Wu's existence and kneaded the dog's head. "Chu Wu, let's go. Let's go in."

Shen Xi watched Su Hang walk in the house with Chu Wu in tow. She felt like today, Su Hang was being particularly foolish. The minute he came back from work, he started repeating his words like a crazy man.

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