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Chapter 39

Translator: Xefielle
Editor: Jessamy


Father Shen liked collecting wine, so Shen Xi picked a 50-year-old bottle of wine from Su Hang's pile of presents. Su Hang knew that Mother Shen had a weak body, so he had prepared many different types of supplements as gifts, but Shen Xi knew that her mother couldn't eat too many. In the end, she picked out an embroidered silk scarf as her mother's gift.

"Just these two?" Su Hang was uncertain as he held the wine and the scarf.

"Yes." Shen Xi nodded.

"Isn't this too little? I've prepared a lot, why don't you pick some more?" Although the gifts he had prepared were very valuable, Su Hang had always felt timid and inferior when facing his in-laws.

"You're afraid you won't be able to finish this pile?" Shen Xi had no words. "In the future, we'll visit every week."

(T/N: afraid he wouldn't be able to give all the gifts he had bought if they only give them one gift each per visit.)

"Every week?" Su Hang was a little stunned.

"What? You don't want to?" Shen Xi raised a brow.

Su Hang didn't dare contradict her and frantically shook his head.

"That's more like it. Alright, let's go in." Shen Xi smiled and walked back into the house with Su Hang.

Father Shen and Mother Shen were sitting in the living room, reading a newspaper, and peeling an apple. When Shen Xi and Su Hang entered the room, the old couple looked up but didn't take the initiative to say hello.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward. Shen Xi wanted to say something to lighten the mood, but Su Hang stepped forward before she could say anything. He lifted the presents, and respectfully greeted: "Dad, Mom, sorry I'm late."

Father Shen glanced at Su Hang, shook the newspaper in his hands, and continued to ignore him.

Mother Shen looked at her husband. Nobody knew what she was thinking, but surprisingly, she didn't make a sound. Mother Shen simply lowered her head and continued to peel the apple in her hands.

Su Hang was a bit embarrassed. As expected, father-in-law and mother-in-law still don't like him. Su Hang smiled and placed the presents on the coffee table that was in front of the old couple. "I bought some gifts, I hope you like them."

"Un." Father Shen finally acknowledged his presence, but his eyes never left the newspaper.

However, Su Hang was already delighted. He couldn't help but look back at Shen Xi, a big smile on his face. His expression showed he was clearly asking for praise, saying: Look, your dad accepted the gift!

But Shen Xi wasn't as easy to satisfy as Su Hang. She ran to her father, angrily grabbed the newspaper from his hands and said: "Dad, why are you reading a newspaper you've already read this morning? Su Hang is talking to you, ah."

"How do you know I read it this morning?" Father Shen retorted. "You weren't here this morning."

"Mom." Shen Xi saw her father acting like a rouge, and turned to her mother for help.

Mother Shen grinned and put down the fruit knife she was holding. She looked at her husband and said: "Alright, alright, you can end your pretentious act. Otherwise, Xiao Xi will get anxious."

Father Shen finally looked up at Su Hang. However, it didn't matter if Father Shen looked at him or not, either way, he was angry at the man. What's more, this stinky boy had the gall to bow his head and smirk in front of him!

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