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Extra (7)

The divorced Su Hang body swapped to the married Su Hang (4)


7:30 a.m.

Mrs. Zhang arrived at the hospital with her carefully prepared breakfast in her arms and two little boys on either side of her. Yesterday, Su Hang had asked her to go check on the children back home. Mrs. Zhang agreed and spent the night at the villa with the children and Li QingYuan. Now, Li QingYuan had driven her and the children to the hospital so that ZuoZuo and YouYou could visit their mother.



As soon as ZuoZuo and YouYou saw their mother’s room number, they pushed the door open and ran inside. Yesterday, their father took their mother away with such a panicked look on his face and didn’t come back for an entire day. The two children had naturally been very worried. Although Uncle Li explained that their mom went to the hospital to give them a sister, they were still concerned. They hadn’t seen their mother for an entire night!

“ZuoZuo, YouYou.” After a full night’s rest, Shen Xi looked much better.

“Mom, how are you?” ZuoZuo wrinkled his brow, his small face full of distress.

“Mom’s fine. I’ll be out of the hospital in two days.” Shen Xi smiled.

“Mom, where’s our sister?” YouYou asked. Uncle Li and Grandma Zhang both said their sister had come out of their mother’s stomach yesterday.

“Your sister is with the doctor, getting examined. She’ll be brought here as soon as that’s done.” Shen Xi told them.

“We can see her after?” ZuoZuo’s eyes began to shine.

“Yeah.” Shen Xi nodded.

Mrs. Zhang unpacked the prepared breakfast and brought the tray towards Shen Xi. “Madam, eat something first.”

“Yes, yes, Mom, you need to eat!” YouYou and ZuoZuo chorused. They looked at Shen Xi, eagerly waiting for her to eat.

“Come, eat with me.” Shen Xi didn’t have much appetite, but she picked up the chopsticks with a smile after seeing her children's expectant faces.

Mrs. Zhang smiled at this scene, then plated the rest of the food. She set the table and turned to Su Hang: “Sir, you should eat something too.”

“Nn.” Su Hang gave her a non-committal reply, too busy watching Shen Xi and the children with tender eyes.

“Then you guys have a good meal. I’ll take a peek at my little goddaughter, then leave for work.” Li QingYuan saw that he wasn’t needed anymore, so he planned to leave soon.

“I’ll go with you.” Su Hang put down the chopsticks he had just picked up.

“No need, no need. You go ahead and eat breakfast.” Li QingYuan told him.

Su Hang didn’t reply and simply stood up and walked towards the door. Li QingYuan helplessly shrugged his shoulders, waved everyone goodbye, then turned and followed Su Hang out.

Looking towards the door, a trace of hesitation flashed across Shen Xi’s eyes. Was Su Hang planning on telling Li QingYuan about his situation?

In the pediatrics ward, in front of a certain room.

With hands placed against the glass window, an ecstatic Li QingYuan stared at the little pink baby. As if he was looking at his own child, he said: “Sure enough, she’s beautiful. When YouYou and ZuoZuo were at this age, they didn’t look as pretty as her, ah.”

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