Niall Sleepwalking (Medical Trial)

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None's POV
"Alright Niall, it's time to get up," Louis said as he came into the bus. Harry and Zayn were getting their hair done, and Louis was ready to go. They had two interviews to do before their final concert on the US leg of the tour. "Come on mate, a two hour lie in is long enough."
"Hmn..." Niall groaned as he was still lying down in his bed.
"Get up," Louis said and he grabbed Niall's sheets, ready to roll him out of his bunk of the bus, but then he stopped. "Niall?"
"Hmnm..." Niall said as he frowned and Louis came close to him, before he touched his forehead.
"Shit, you're burning up."
"Yeah, just stay there for me mate alright?" Louis said and he left to find Paul. They had let Niall sleep in longer than normal as he had gone through his first targeted shock therapy session the day before. Now he was sick, and Louis was worried.

"Paul!" Louis called as he found him.
"Louis. Where's Niall?"
"He's in his bunk. He's got a fever and he's struggling to wake up."
"Ok. Let me see."
"This way," Louis said and he returned to the bus with Paul behind him. They found Niall asleep and lying on his side. Paul felt his forehead and sent Louis to get some water.
"Drink some of this for me Niall," Paul said as Louis returned with the water and they managed to get Niall to drink half of it. "Good lad."
"How are you feeling?"
"Dizzy. Cold."
"You've got a bad fever. Just rest and get lots of sleep."
"Ok," Niall agreed, and he let his head sink into the pillow as he started to fall asleep once more.
"I'll ask Jonathan to keep an eye on Niall. Go and join the others Louis."
"Ok," Louis agreed and he gently touched Niall's leg reassuringly before he went to join his bandmates.


"So, how's Liam doing?" The interviewer asked.
"He's doing really well. He's at home with his family at the moment, but he doesn't need hospital treatment any more and we're all really glad that he's ok."
"Yeah, it was scary."
"Really scary."
"And Where's Niall? I notice that he's not here with you."
"No, he's sick."
"Oh poor Niall."
"Yeah, he's got a fever so he's resting up."
"Lots of sleep for him today."
"Well, I hope that he feels better soon."
"Thank you."
"But after what happened with Liam, are you not afraid of crowds and what could happen next time?"
"Paul has tightened our security and we're more aware now about what could happen. But we still love our fans and we can't let fear win."
"Of course."
"We know that it was someone who wanted to hurt Liam. Our fans often throw things at us, but it's out of love and admiration."
"Love's going a bit far Harry."
"They don't need to throw things, but they do. It comes from a good place, but whoever stabbed Liam wanted to hurt him."
"They weren't one of our fans."
"Wow. Well, how do you think tonight is going to go now that you are two members down?"
"We're going to go out and have fun, give the crowd all of our energy and enjoy it."
"Just have a great time."
"Well, good luck and I hope that Niall and Liam rejoin you soon."
"Thank you."
"It was really good to meet you."
"You too Harry."
"Thanks," The boys said and they left the interview.

An hour later, the boys returned to the bus and they found Niall fast asleep. His fever was starting to come down, which was really good news, and they got ready for the concert.


"Hey Louis."
"Yes Zayn?" Louis asked him halfway through the concert.
"You know your eyes."
"Yes, my eyes. What about them?"
"They're what make you beautiful," Zayn said and the crowd cheered as the song came on.

They got to the bridge and Harry started singing when they heard a different voice in the ear pieces.
"What's that?"
"It sounds like Niall."
"It does."
"Smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell... sorry, we're hearing something in our ears," Harry said as he stopped.
"It is Niall," Zayn said as Niall came onto the stage and the boys rushed to him.
"I think of the start. And it echoes a spark," Niall sang as he walked down the stage and the crowd was screaming in excitement. Niall was in a giraffe onesie, his eyes were closed and he was playing a guitar as he walked and sang. "And I remember the magic electricity."
"Niall?" Louis asked as he reached him and clicked his fingers in front of his face.
"What's he doing?" Zayn asked and Louis blew air into Niall's face.
"I think he's sleepwalking."
"Sleepwalking and singing?"
"I think so."
"Ok. Just don't let him fall," Zayn said and he and Louis walked with Niall to make sure that he didn't hurt himself.

Paul called Harry over, but once he was happy that Niall wasn't in any danger, he simply asked Harry to keep an eye on him.
"It's not one of ours," Zayn said as he listened to the song.
"No. I don't recognise it either."
"Niall's a secret song writer."
"It looks that way."
"It's lovely. What is it?" Harry asked as she joined them around Niall.
"His own composition we think."
"I love it."
"So do the crowd," Louis said and he wrapped his arm around Niall as he sang. All of their fans were waving their phones' lights, creating a magical effect in the arena.

The song finished and Niall fell against Louis.
"I've got him," Louis said and Harry and Zayn took the guitar off Niall, as well as his microphone.
"Did the sound tech put a microphone on him?"
"It doesn't seem like it. It's too messy."
"Niall? Are you with me mate?" Louis asked, but Niall was still. He brushed a hair out of Niall's face and Harry looked at Louis.
"Let's get him off stage."
"Alright, come on Nialler," Louis said and he lifted Niall into his arms. Their fans aww'd and Louis carried their sleepy Irish leprechaun off stage.
"Be quiet guys. Niall's still sick and he's asleep," Zayn said and the crowd quietened down until Louis and Niall were out of sight.

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