Niall Seizure On Flight (Medical Trial)

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Niall's POV
Our schedule was crazy. It was midnight and we were all in a car heading to the airport. We had to be in Tokyo for an interview at 9am tomorrow morning, and that meant that we were taking off at 1am, in an hour's time. Unfortunately, the airport was filled with our fans and I grimaced when I saw what we had to get through.

I was still in my pyjamas and just keeping my eyes open was hard enough at the moment, let alone walking. My second targeted shock therapy session had been yesterday, and just a little over a week since the first one. I didn't have a fever this time around but I was very tired.

I looked at the other boys, who were in the same boat as me, then I heard the boot open. I heard the fans screaming and people were already taking pictures of us. Paul opened the door and we all got out, wanting to get this over with as fast as possible.

Liam was beside me, he had rejoined us two days ago, and we began making our way through the crowd. Bright lights flashed in my face and I felt Liam holding my hand as our security made a way through for us.

Suddenly, a fan got hold of my ankle and pulled me to the ground.
"Get off him!" Louis and Liam yelled before they both pulled me back onto my feet.
"Everyone stand back!" Paul shouted, but it didn't help.

After what seemed like an age, we made it to our airport gate with scruffy hair and wide eyes. I yawned and stretched before we were ushered outside and onto our private plane. I sat down with Louis opposite me, Liam and Harry across from us and Zayn sitting behind.


Paul dimmed the lights just after we took off and we all settled down to try and get some sleep. I was restless and I felt like something had happened that I was not aware of.

Soon, my alarm went off and I opened my eyes.
"Turn it off," Louis mumbled before he pulled his blanket over himself. I turned my alarm off and stood up. It was 7am and that meant that it was time to take my medication. I went to the locker above my seat, popped it open and lazily moved my hand around inside of it in order to find my bag.
"Hmn," I groaned before I yawned. I was exhausted but I knew that I needed my epilepsy medication. I still couldn't feel my bag, so I stood on my tiptoes and looked into the locker. It was empty. "No," I said as I woke up. "No," I said again before I climbed into the locker. "Where...?"
"Hmn... Niall?" Harry asked as he woke up and he saw me half stuck inside of the plane's locker. "What... are you doing?" He asked before he yawned.
"My bag's gone. My medicine Harry," I told him. My epilepsy medication had been in my bag and now it was gone. Luckily I had both my phone and my wallet with me, but I needed my medication.
"Your medicine's gone?" Harry asked and I nodded as I climbed out of the locker. "Liam. Louis."
"Hmnurgh," They moaned as Harry shook them awake.
"Get up."
"Why? What time is it?" Liam groaned.
"It's my meds Liam, they're gone," I told him and he opened his eyes.
"What? You're meds...?" Liam asked before he became awake. "Where were they?"
"In my bag, but it's gone."
"That girl," Louis said and I turned to him. "The one who got hold of your ankle, I think it disappeared then."
"No. No, no, no," I said as I put my hands on my head. This was bad, really bad. I had more medicine in my suitcase, but that was in the hold. We were still in the air and I couldn't climb onto the outside of the plane in order to open the hold door and get it out.
"Get Paul," Louis told someone and they rushed off.
"It'll be ok Niall. Do you have any more?" Liam asked and I nodded.
"Yeah, but they're in the hold."
"What's happened?" Zayn asked as I began pacing around the plane.
"Someone's taken Niall's bag that has his epilepsy medication in it."

"I don't know what to do... I can't have another seizure, I can't..." I said as I paced and Harry came back in with Paul.
"Sit down Niall," Paul told me and I did so. Liam crouched in-front of me as Paul searched all of the plane's onboard storage places for my bag. "Ok, it's not here."
"My only other tablets are in the hold," I told Paul as he came back over to me.
"At least you have some with you," Paul said before he took my hand. "You'll get you some when we land, but there's nothing that I can do for now ok?"
"Am I going to have a seizure before then?" I asked as tears came to my eyes.
"You're like to, yes."
"But... I don't want to have a seizure, I don't..." I said before I began to cry, the lack of sleep starting to get to me.
"Niall, hey," Liam said softly as he wiped my tears away. "You're safe, just breathe. Deep breaths," He said and I did so. "Good. And again," Liam said and I tried to breathe as deeply as I could.
"Good. All of you need sleep so we'll do shifts, two boys awake at a time to look after Niall."
"That sounds like a plan Paul."
"I'll go first with Liam," Harry offered.
"Ok. Louis and Zayn, get some sleep," Paul said and they lay down.

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