Electrocuted ⚡

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None's POV
The boys were rehearsing for that night's concert and they were singing 'Ready to Run' when something in the electrical circuit failed and electricity shot through all the equipment.
"Argh!" Louis cried out as he, Harry, Liam and Zayn stepped back from their microphones.
"Argh," Harry groaned as he put a hand over his ear.
"Are you ok Harry?" Louis asked and Harry nodded.
"Turn the electricity off now!" Paul shouted as he ran towards the stage and the boys followed his gaze. Niall was standing motionless with his hands tightly gripping his guitar as electricity surged through his body.

A moment later, the electricity shut off and Niall collapsed onto the stage.
"Niall!" All the boys shouted as they ran over to him and Paul jumped onto the stage.
"Niall," Liam said as he knelt beside him and Louis took the guitar off Niall. Louis winced as he did so and Harry noticed.
"Louis, are you ok?" He asked as Paul knelt beside Niall and took his pulse.
"Yeah, I'm... argh," Louis groaned and Harry went over to him.
"Paul?" Liam asked after a moment.
"He's got a pulse Liam," Paul reassured Liam before he looked at Zayn. "Get an ambulance," Paul told Zayn and he got his phone out. "Help me to get him onto his side," Paul continued and Liam helped him to roll Niall into the recovery position.
"Paul, it sounds like he can't breathe," Liam said as he listened to Niall's irregular and raspy gasps for air.
"I know, but we're getting him help ok," Paul said and Liam nodded as he started to cry.
"Louis, your hands," Harry said as looked down at them. They were red, raw and shaking.
"I'm ok, we need to get Niall to hospital."
"Zayn's calling for an ambulance. You've burnt your hands Louis," Harry said as he took both of Louis's hands in his own.
"Argh. Be careful Harry," Louis said as he winced and tears formed in his eyes.
"Sorry love," Harry said before he kissed Louis on the cheek.
"What's wrong?" Paul asked and both Harry and Louis turned to him.
"My hands," Louis said as tears began to fall down his face.
"Let me see," Paul said and Louis leant down, showing Paul his hands. "Harry, I want you to run Louis's hands under cold water. Now," Paul said and Harry put his hand onto Louis's back.
"Come on Lou," Harry said and Louis let himself be lead away by Harry.
"The ambulance is on its way, Niall's going to be ok," Paul reassured Liam, and he nodded. Zayn stayed on the phone with 999 as Paul monitored Niall's pulse and breathing.

When the ambulance arrived, Liam refused to leave Niall's side as the paramedics treated him, before he managed to convince Paul to let him go with Niall to the hospital. Paul then took Louis and Harry in his car to the hospital, in order to get Louis's hands seen to.

Liam's POV
I ran my hand through my hair as I sat on the chair beside Niall's hospital bed. He'd been unconscious for just over an hour and Paul had cancelled that evening's concert. Nurses had kept coming in to check the monitors that Niall was connected to. His heartbeat was steady and he looked like he was asleep.

Just then, someone moved the curtain and I looked over to see Harry come in.
"How's Niall doing?"
"No change. The erm..." I began before I sniffled and Harry came over to me. "The doctor said that he might have a brain injury. From all the elec... Electricity," I said and Harry took my hand as he crouched in-front of me.
"Niall's very strong Liam, he'll make it through this," Harry gently reassured me.
"Yeah," Harry said with a smile. "Are you doing alright?" He asked and I nodded. "I would stay here with you but I have to go back to the hotel with Louis."
"Is he... is he doing ok?"
"Yeah. They've bandaged his hands up and given him some cream to help soothe the burns. He asked me to come and check on you both."
"Thank you."
"I'm looking after Louis and you're looking after Niall. Make sure you text me with any news, ok?"
"I will."
"He'll wake up soon Liam," Harry said before he hugged me.
"I hope that you're right. I really hope that you're right," I said and a few minutes later, Harry left. Paul was sorting out the logistics of cancelling the concert and Zayn had been called away for a family emergency, so that had left me alone with Niall at the hospital.

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