Chapter 12

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I'm starting this chapter off with some soft fluff 🥰
Third POV

The three boys arrived at their neighborhood and the two oldest said goodbye to the youngest.

"Bye Sungie! See you tomorrow." Jeno softly said, giving Jisung a goodbye hug, the alpha obviously returning it.

But on the other hand, the other alpha didn't exactly like the two hugging for so long.

"Bye Hyung." Jisung replied, taking a small glance at Jaemin who looked a little jealous.

"Ok that's long enough." Jaemin pulled Jeno away who didn't say anything. "Bye Jisung-ah." Jaemin said as he pulled Jeno inside the house.

I love making him act like that. Jisung laughed once the door was closed, walking back to his own home.

As usual, Jeno walked towards the living to place his bag on the couch but then walked towards the kitchen, the alpha following him like a lost puppy.

"So what should we do now?" Jaemin asked, leaning against the counter as Jeno looked through the fridge to figure out what to cook for dinner. "Should we cuddle?" Jaemin teased but fully meant what he said, pulling Jeno into his arms.

"What we should do is our homework which is due tomorrow." Jeno sternly said, escaping the alpha's warm embrace.

"I didn't even go to school today." Jaemin grumbled, his mood turning sour.

"Luckily I went to your classes and got your homework for you huh?" Jeno giggled, going on his tippy toes, placing an innocent kiss on the alpha's cheek to calm him down which worked but also left him a little shocked. "By the way, I also grabbed the class work you had to do today so do that while you're at it."

The omega then closed the fridge, went back to the living room, grabbed his backpack, and then finally went up the stairs.

The alpha on the other hand, actually just stood in the exact spot, a little shocked from the kiss still.

"Hurry up and get your butt up here!" Jeno shouted from the top of the stairs once he noticed Jaemin wasn't right behind him like usual. "Otherwise we won't cuddle afterwards!" Jeno cutely threatened but it was effective since he knew how that effected Jaemin.

The things you do to me. Jaemin got over his shocked stage and smiled, running up the stairs to Jeno's room.

And of course the moment the alpha went inside the room, the omega already had his homework sprawled out on his bed since that's where he liked doing his work the most.

"If you actually start now, you should be done by dinner time." Jeno said without looking up at the alpha.

Jaemin was about to sigh and make a complain but then stopped once he saw Jeno look up at him with a smile, his eyes curving as well.

"We can cuddle after dinner if you do manage to finish everything." Jeno smiled, turning his attention back to his laptop to complete one of his assignments.

Jaemin's heart skipped a beat and he immediately sat down at the desk, swearing to himself that he'll get his cuddle time with the omega after dinner.

It's been an hour or so and Jeno already finished everything he needed for school the next day just in time to make dinner.

Unfortunately Jaemin didn't finish everything since he also had to complete the work he missed in his classes that day.

"Jaemin-ah I'm gonna cook dinner with Jaehyun Hyung now. Make sure you finish your work." Jeno said, leaving a friendly kiss on Jaemin's cheeks before leaving his room to go downstairs.

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