Chapter 20

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Third POV

It's been a few days since Jeno started his heat and he's been stuck at home ever since. He's been taking his suppressants once a day to make sure the pain didn't bother him that much.

It was a little later than what Jeno usually woke up at and right now Jeno was heading down to the kitchen to grab something for breakfast.

He hasn't taken his heat suppressants for the day yet since he isn't supposed to be taking pills without eating something first.

Jeno let out a cute yawn as he opened the fridge to check what he can make for breakfast. He wasn't fully awake so he didn't notice his brother walking towards him.

"Good morning puppy." Jaehyun's morning voice startled so much that Jeno didn't even notice the hand ruffling his light brown hair.

"Hyung don't scare me like that~" Jeno whined, looking over his shoulder to cutely glare at his brother before turning back to the fridge.

"Didn't I say that I would cook breakfast today?" Jaehyun carefully pulled Jeno away from the fridge. "You shouldn't be cooking anyways."

"I'm fine hyungie. My heat will probably end in a day or so." Jeno shrugged but sat down at the counter as Jaehyun took out some things to cook.

"Still. I don't want you to push yourself. You haven't even taken your pills yet." Jaehyun replied, beginning to cook their breakfast.

"It doesn't hurt as much anymore. That's a sign that it's ending soon." Jeno answered. "I hope I can go back to school soon." He hoped.

"Aww don't like spending time with your brother? I feel hurt." Jaehyun faked a frown which caused Jeno to quickly shake his head no.

"I do! But exams are soon...." Jeno pouted which caused Jaehyun to smile and ruffle his brother's hair.

"I understand Jeno-ah." Jaehyun ruffled Jeno's hair one last time before turning his attention to the cooked eggs. "I was just kidding anyways. I need a break from you too." Jaehyun joked.

Though the alpha couldn't see it, Jeno glared at Jaehyun for what he just said.

A couple more minutes passed and Jaehyun finally placed the food in front of the omega.

"Eat and then go take your suppressants." Jaehyun said as he placed a second plate with more food for himself next to Jeno's.

Jeno nodded his head and started eating the delicious breakfast Jaehyun made for them.

"Just saying, I'll wash the dishes since you cooked today." Jeno said after swallowing what was in his mouth.

Jaehyun rolled his eyes since Jeno seemed so hellbent on helping him even though he said not to many times.

"Yeah whatever." Jaehyun then shoved more food into his mouth.

After Jeno finished eating, he placed his plate in the sink and headed upstairs to his room to get his heat suppressants.

Once he swallowed one of the pills with water, he then headed back down to wash the dishes.

But apparently Jaehyun has beaten him and already washed their dishes.

"Yah hyung I said I would wash them~" Jeno whined, stomping his feet.

"Too bad. I washed them first." Jaehyun then childishly stuck his tongue out at a pouting Jeno. "Now don't you have the class work Jaeminie brings for you to do?"

"No hyung I finished everything already." Jeno answered.

Ever since his heat started, Jaemin had been bringing Jeno's class work and homework so he could do them at home and not make them up later when he returns to school.

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