Chapter 1

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This part of the story is taking place when they were kids and during the summer. Also mostly dialogue today
Third POV

Jeno was playing outside his house, his mother watching him from the porch. But then the beeping of a truck caught the omega's interest since it was really loud.

"Mommy what's happening?" Jeno asked his mother who stood up and walked over to her son who raised his arms so he could be carried.

"Mommy's friend just moved in next door." She carried her small omega son and watched a car following the truck. "We can meet them after they settled down. But now it's time for lunch."

Jeno wasn't paying attention because he was looking at the boy who just exited the car.

Apparently the boy noticed Jeno's stare and excitedly waved at the omega.

Jeno's cheeks went red and he immediately hid them by looking away.

A couple days later and a knock was heard in the Lee's house.

Jeno didn't get the door cause his mother didn't want him to open the door up to strangers.

"Mom I'll get it!" Jeno's older brother, Jaehyun shouted.

On the other hand, she allowed Jaehyun to get the door since he's older than the omega and also an alpha. (He's older than Jeno by four years)

However Jeno got curious so he followed his brother to the door, partially hiding behind Jaehyun, holding onto the edge of his shirt.

Jaehyun opened the door and saw a woman he never saw before.

"Can I help you?"  Jaehyun asked, hiding his brother completely behind him just in case they try to do anything to him. He was over protective over his younger brother.

"Oh my god Jaehyun is that you?" The woman gasped. "You've grown so much compared to the last time I saw you."

"Do I know you?" Jaehyun was confused, no longer trying to hide Jeno behind him since she seemed nice.

"I'm Hyejin, your mother's best friend." She introduced herself. "I saw you when you were just barely standing in your own."

Jeno peeked his head out and was now looking at the same woman who was smiling.

"And this must be her second son." Hyejin said sweetly, bending down to meet Jeno's height. "Hi sweetie. My name's Hyejin. What's your?" She used a sweet tone so she wouldn't scare the omega.

"Lee Jeno." Jeno smiled since she was being really nice to them.

"And how old are you sweetie?" She asked but already knew the answer since her and Eunji (their mother) talked over the phone a lot.

"I'm five!" Jeno cutely showed five fingers.

"Really? You're the same age as my son Jaemin. He should be here in a bit." She said while looking at her watch. "Let me tell you a secret Jeno-ah."

Those words made Jeno curious once again so he went a little closer to the woman, leaning his ear towards her so he could hear this so called secret.

"He's gonna bring brownies for you and Jaehyun." She whispered in his ears, knowing how much Jeno loved brownies.

"Really?!" Jeno excitedly said.

"Really what?" Eunji appeared behind her sons.

"Someone's bringing brownies for me and Hyungie!" Jeno ran to his mother, jumping up and down to show his excitement.

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