Chapter 26

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Happy birthday (in my time zone) to our precious Jeno!!!! (it's also the only reason why I'm uploading 🤡) Anyways enjoy!!!

Third POV

It was finally the week of their final exams and currently Jeno was pacing back and forth in the living room before the two alphas came to pick him up.

"Ya Jeno stop moving. You're giving me a headache." Jaehyun said, sitting on the couch while Jeno paced in front of him.

"Hyung I can't help it, I'm literally gonna fail all my exams, and if I fail I have to repeat my senior year, how can I not worry?" Jeno said all of that in one breathe.

"Well first off you're not gonna fail. So stop being an actual puppy and sit your ass down." Jaehyun said as he pulled Jeno down onto the seat next to him.

"Stop swearing Hyung." Jeno scolded his older brother but stayed where he was. "And I'm not a puppy." Jeno glared at Jaehyun.

"I thought we went over this before." Jaehyun sighed, ruffling Jeno's hair instead of explaining on why Jeno is a puppy for like the 100th time. "You're a puppy. A cute, adorable one. And don't tell me that I'm wrong because I know that I'm not. You can ask all your friends and they'll agree with me."

Jeno just pouted and realized that Jaehyun was correct because all his friends would say he was like a puppy, especially Jaemin of course.

"I hate it when you're right Hyung." Jeno leaned his head on Jaehyun's chest, the older still playing with his brother's hair.

"I'm usually right pup." Jaehyun joked, earning a slap on his chest from the omega. "Now no more stressing over your exams. We both know you're gonna do fine."


"No buts, you practically isolated yourself in your room studying for your exams. You would barely go out and didn't even let anyone in. In fact the only person you let in was Jae—"

"Enough Hyung!" Jeno's face was red, getting fed up with Jaehyun's teasing.

Ding dong!

"Oh would you look at that? We were just talking about him. I guess we manifested him." Jeno glared at Jaehyun who couldn't hold back his laughter.

"I'm leaving now Hyung." Jeno grabbed his bag and left his annoying brother in the living room.

"Bye pup!" Jaehyun shouted before Jeno shut the door.

Jeno had an annoyed face on as he left his house and Jaemin and Jisung definitely noticed.

"What's wrong Hyung?" Jisung asked. "You look upset or annoyed."

Jaemin just pulled Jeno into a hug and Jeno happily accepted it, nuzzling his face against Jaemin's chest.

"I'm fine Sungie. Just Jaehyun Hyung being annoying." Jeno answered. "But that's not important right now. We have exams this week and I hope you guys prepared for it." Jeno pulled away from the hug. "Now let's get going."

The three J's then started walking to school but as they got closer, Jeno became nervous again.

"I'm gonna fail!" Jeno whined. "I'm gonna have to retake senior year. Oh my god I'm gonna be in the same year as Jisungie!" Jeno realized.

"Hey I'm not that bad." Jisung commented.

"Babe we all know that won't happen." Jaemin said to the omega, lifting his chin up and bringing his face close to Jeno's. "You studied the most out of all of us and basically have the best grades. So no more whining ok?" Jaemin used a stern voice but said it softly so that he doesn't startle the omega.

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