Kiss Zayn Or.........Die??

804 19 6

girls, guys, ladies, gentlemen........PEEPS,

Just a shout out to all my readers out there, I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! You make my world spin round, My heart beat, My flowers bloom!!!

Sorry we took so long to write this chapter, but we have been really busy with Christmas. Pllleeaasse keep voting and fanning, it always makes our day!!!<3


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Louis’s P.O.V

I over heard Steph and Niall taking the other day and it’s Steph’s birthday tomorrow. I wonder why she didn’t tell us. I think i’ll set them up on a date.....YES, BRILLIANT IDEA!!!

Lets see, what shall I for them. I know, I’ll give them a romantic dinner in the park like Harry did with Chloe! 

Chloe’s P.O.V

Harry and I decided to hop out of the pool when it was about 11:30am. Harry picked me up bridal style in sopping wet clothes and vampire sped me to his room. He sat me down on his bed. He got changed into different clothes. “Harry...dear, do you have to get changed right there” I asked burrowing my head into the pillow. He just chuckled and threw his white V-neck over his head.

I sat up when he was done and he chucked me some of his clothes to wear, seen as I don’t have anything to wear. “We need to buy you a new wardrobe” Harry said pointing to his laptop, suggesting for me to buy off line. “I’ll do that later” I said standing up next to him. Harry opened his arms for a hug, I accepted and wrapped my arms around him. “Lets go down stairs babe” He said letting me go. I simply nodded and followed him out of the room.

We opened the door to find three pairs of eyes staring at us. “VAS HAPPNIN” Zayn yelled from his seat. “Hey Zee” I said running to him and sitting next to him on the couch. “Watcha been up to” I chirped looking at Zayn, Louis and Liam. “We’re surprising Steph and Niall with a date tomorrow, because it’s Steph’s birthday” Zayn whispered in my ear. “Oh cool great idea, who had that idea” I asked. “Lou did” Liam replied. My jaw dropped. “Yeah I know love, Lou never has good ideas. We had that expression on our faces when he told us” Zayn announced, Louis looked down in sadness. “Awww poor Lou, looked what you did to him” I said walking over to Louis and hugging him. “Huggie bear” Louis said like a little child. I giggled, hugging him tighter. Harry sped over and joined the hug. “That reminds me, where are the other two” I said looking at Louis. “Umm....well Niall dragged Steph to Nando’s ........again” Louis said cracking up. Louis’s face turned as red as a tomato, which made us all crack up too. An hour had passed, and it was now 12:30pm. 

Harry and I had a quick lunch and ran upstairs. “So how about finding some nice clothes” Harry suggested. I nodded as he passed me his laptop. I lay down on Harry’s bed, logged in and went onto the ‘Shop on sunset’ website. “How about this one” I asked, pointing to a cute baby blue dress  that was short at the front and long at the back. “Beautiful, click on your size and put in the trolley” Harry said lying down next to me and putting an arm around my shoulder. “Hey go back up, I think I found a good one” Harry said, I scrolled up. “That one” He whispered, pointing it out. “Harry, really” I asked him. It was skin tight and knew he would be staring at me the whole time if I wore it. “Yes, pleeaassee get it” Harry begged. “Harry you know how i’m really self conscious about waring stuff like that” I replied. “You shouldn’t be self conscious because your beautiful” Harry exclaimed, pecking my cheek. “I love you so much Harry, and to prove it i’ll get the dress”. A smirk began to place itself on his face. “I love you too” He exclaimed. Harry and I continued to look though the clothes and buy them. Once we had finished, I put in my card and address details. 

“FINALLY FINISHED” I yelled throwing my arms in the air. Harry let out a chuckle. “What?” I asked Harry. “Ohh........ nothing, you’re just so damn cute” He said, letting out another chuckle. “Cute?....CUTE?.....Oh dear Harry, i’ll show you I am NOT cute” I blurted out, pushing him onto his back. I crashed my lips onto his, and forced my way onto his mouth. Once I finally won I explored his mouth. I pulled away leading kisses down his neck. He let a moan escape his lips, I pulled away. “Now, was that cute” I asked Harry with a smirk. “I was totally wrong, coz girl, you’re hot” He admitted. “THANK YOU” I yelled in victory, getting off of him. 

“CHLOE” I heard a familiar voice yell. “YES STEPH”. “I’M COMING UP TO HARRYS ROOM, YOU TWO BETTER NOT BE SNOGGING WHEN I GET UP THERE” She yelled slowly. “DON’T WORRY, WERE NOT” I managed to yell while laughing. Steph enters the room and jumps on the bed beside me. “wazz up guurrll?” She asked flicking her arm over my shoulder. “Well, Haz and I have been internet shopping” I answered. “, what did you get?” She asked eagerly. I opened Harry’s laptop and showed Steph all the things I got. “WOW these are soo cool, but that one dress is so not like what you would pick out, is it?” She said with a confused look. “Well, actually Harry picked that one out for me, didn’t you Haz” I said trying to get him into the conversation. “Yeah, I think it would look great on you” Harry said smiling at me. “Only coz it will make her but look big” Steph joked. We all laughed and walked down stairs.

We walked into the living room to find Louis mentally throwing carrots at Niall, who was sitting on the couch. “LOUIS” Steph said slamming Louis onto the wall. “HE’S PRECIOUS” Steph giggled letting Louis go, and running over to Niall and hugging him tightly. “What was that for” I asked Louis. “Niall snapped my carrot” Louis said with a frowney face. “Yeah, only coz you wouldn’t stop poking me with it” Niall exclaimed. “Okay, I want both of you to apologize or Niall I will limit you to three meals a day, and Louis limited to only two carrots per day” I said taking charge. “NOOOO, NOT THE CARROTS AHHH, FINE I’M SORRY FOR THROWING CARROTS AT YOU NIALL” Louis screamed. “You wouldn’t dare take away my food” Niall said trying to sound evil. “Oh, yes I wo-ould” I replied sounding like a diva. “Fine then, I’m sorry Louis” Niall said looking sad. “APOLOGY ACCEPTED OLD FRIEND” Louis yelled hugging Niall, Steph joined in with the hug.

“Hey, babe i’m going to get some pizza for dinner i’ll be back soon” Harry said before pecking me on the cheek. “See ya Haz” I replied he opened the back door to leave. Zayn and Liam were sitting on the couch, playing ‘Doodle jump’ on their phones. “Guys we should do something” Louis asked, interrupting Steph’s and my conversation. “Yes, we totally should” Steph agreed. “AHHHHH, TRUTH OR DARE” Louis screamed. “fine” we all said, knowing this was his favourite game. “YAY, my bags first ask” Louis screeched. “Zayn, DRUTH OR TARE” Lou asked, we all giggled. “Um... Dare” Zayn decided. “Okay, I dare you to.......... KISS CHLOE” Louis exclaimed, with ooh’s and ahhh’s coming from everybody’s mouths. “NO, Harry would hate me and Zayn for it” I said concerned about if they were going to make me. “You have to, or suffer the consequences...........Spend the night in my room, and you may die of to much of gas” Louis said evilly. What was I going to do?, Kiss Zayn and be hated by Harry forever or die of to much gas passed by Louis’s butt?


Sorry guys CLIFFHANGER!!!

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