Count On Me!

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In the last chapter I left you on a cliffhanger (MWAHAHA), but today I make up for that!!! Watch out it’s intense!

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The Alems!!

<(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) <(“) 


Two of the boys (Shane & Max) made their way over to me and pulled me  up. I tried to struggle for their grip, but failed. We made our way over to a room, with chains. Without hesitation, they chained me up. Shane threw a punch at my face. I screamed in pain. Next thing I know, i’m being beaten with wooden bats. Hits to the stomach, the legs, the arms and worse the face. Somehow I managed to stay conscious. They threw the bats away, and unchained me. I was thrown back into the room I woke in. “See you tomorrow for your beating” Ryan croaked.

I held my knees crying hard, but soon in that moment......I remembered something. “My necklace”....

*New Chapter*

Niall’s P.O.V

We have been searching all night for Steph, and the only clue we could find was her cellphone so that means we defiantly can’t contact her, and also the kidnapers left a note. It was from my old friends Ryan, Shane, Eddie, and Max. I was furious at them. I do know they have her, but I don’t know where they are or what they doing with her. I WILL KILL THEM ONCE I GET MY HANDS ON THEM.

Steph P.O.V

My necklace, of course, how could I be so stupid and forget. I reached up to my locket and opened it. As soon as I managed to open it, Shane and Max opened the door. “We have been sent down here to clean up your wounds and cuts so they won’t get infected and kill you” Max announced. They sat down beside me and dabbed my wounds. Max was dabbing it really hard, hurting me. I looked Max in the eyes. He wasn’t hurting as much, instead he was dabbing gently and looking back in my eyes, giving evil looks.

Niall’s P.O.V

The boys and I were walking around the trees still determined to find clues. Suddenly, I had a vision. It was Steph screaming at 4 figures, in the old abandoned building, that the boys and I used to play in. I called for the boys, they were at my side in seconds. “I know were she is follow me and be ready to fight” I yelled. Soon we were off, and seconds away from the building.

Steph P.O.V

“Oww” I screamed at Max as he dabbed to hard. “Shut up” He scowled back. The door flung open to find five more figures running in and pinning the two boys to the ground. They screamed as the five boys staked them in the heart, killing them. I looked up to see a handsome blonde hair boy staring at me with tears streaming down his face. I looked harder to see, the one, the only......Niall Horan and boys. “NIALL” I whispered running and pulling him into a hug. I took the chance to kiss him for the first time in what felt like forever. “Steph” He whispered kissing back.

The door smashed down when two boys came in. Ryan and Eddie. “How did you find her...HOW” Ryan yelled smashing Niall up against the wall. “Who cares, i’m here and I am going to kill you” Niall replied. “Eddie, Fight them, i’ll deal with Niall here” Ryan said evilly. Eddie nodded and used his power to drain our energy from the rest of us, making us fall to the ground not able to stand. “NOOO NIALL” I screamed. Eddie looked at me, then back at Ryan, who was holding a stake and was about to stab Niall right in the heart. “NOOOO” I screamed louder.

Suddenly Ryan sent the stake on it’s way to Niall’s heart. But before it could touch his skin, Ryan was bowled to the ground by.....wait no it couldn’t’s Eddie. The stake was removed from Ryan’s hand, and was now in Eddies. “HOW DARE YOU, WE’RE SUPPOSED TO BE FRIENDS WITH NIALL, AND NOT SUPPOSED HURT HIM. HOW COULD YOU FORGET THE FUN TIMES WE HAD TOGETHER. HE ONLY CHANGED US BECAUSE HE HAD NO CHOICE” Eddie yelled at Ryan’s face, soon enough Eddie sent the stake into Ryan’s heart. We watched in disbelief, watching the life drain out of Ryan’s body. Niall ran to me and comforted me.

“I’m sorry, Steph” Eddie said quietly, but loud enough for us to hear. I finally found the strength to get up and walk to him. “Eddie, don’t be sorry, you saved both mine and Niall’s lives” I said turning him around, making him look me in the eye. “No, I betrayed Niall. It was all the others idea to turn on you Niall. I didn’t want to, but then they would hate me or maybe even kill me if I didn’t” Eddie announced, turning to Niall. Niall stood and walked to him. “It’s okay, I forgive you” Niall said pulling him into a manly hug. “If you need anything, you can count on us to be there” Niall said pulling away. Eddie nodded and showed us the way out. 

We thanked him once again a ran home. I enter the door to find Chloe curled up on the couch balling her eyes out. “CHLOE” I screamed. She looked up at me in shock. “STEPH” She squealed running and hugging me. “I thought you were gone forever” She whispered. “I’m here now” I whispered feeling a tear trickle down my face. “Babe you probably need some rest” Niall suggested, I nodded, walking to the couch and lying down. Niall walked over to me and kissed my forehead. “My life would be a mess without you” He whispered in my ear, before I let sleep take over.

Chole’s P.O.V

The boys left to get dinner, but Harry and I stayed behind to look after Steph. “Harry why couldn’t I help save her” I whisper shouted. “Because, I don’t want you to get hurt” He replied. “I would rather die fighting for my best friend, than stay here and not do anything at all” I exclaimed. “I was just trying to keep you saf..” I cut him of. “HARRY, YOU’RE STARTING TO SOUND LIKE MY OVER-PROTECTIVE FATHER” I yelled at him, waking up Steph. “I’M SORRY, BUT I JUST COULDN’T LIVE WITH MYSELF IF YOU GOT HURT” Harry yelled back, standing from his spot on the couch and storming up to his room. Tears start forming in my eyes. “Oh, Chloe” Steph said, sitting up and hugging me. “I was awake all this time you were fighting... I-is it true, you would die for me” Steph asked, I nodded. We sat there talking for minutes when she asked if I wanted her to talk to Harry. I shook my head. “But can you come with me for support” I asked, she nodded getting up and following me up the stairs. I busted through the door. Harry had his head burrowed in his pillow. “Harry?” Steph asked. He looked up at me. “Please forgive me Harry” I asked. “No, I shouldn’t have so selfish” He mumbled. “Well, then we both have things to be sorry about, we all do, but lets just forget about it and go on with life” I exclaimed. Harry stood from his bed and nodded to me. “You’re right” He agreed. 

He wiped the tears from eyes and kissed my forehead. “I love you” I whispered. “I love you more” He replied. “IMPOSABLE” Steph yelled joining the hug. We laughed until we heard the door slam. “GUYS WERE ARE YOU” Louis screamed. We raced down stairs to find the guys piling in the door, with Darcy barking at them. “Hey guys” Steph yelled.

Steph’s P.O.V

“Steph, I have one more present that I was going to give you yesterday, but I never got the chance” Niall said getting down on one knee, holding a ring box. “Marry me Steph” Niall pleaded....




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