Louis' Plan - Part One

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*Morning 6:40am*

I slowly lift my head from Harry’s shoulder and let my eyes adjust to the light. “Morning Beautiful” Harry says quietly, and kisses my forehead. “Morning Hazza” I mumble tiredly.

“HELLOOO” a familiar voice calls. My head snaps up. “STEPH!” I yell, pulling her into a bone crushing hug. The doctor comes in as I let her go. “Stephanie, you may leave now if you want” She pauses and turns to me “Just keep an eye on her. If she does end up getting a headache, just give her some panadol pain relief tablets” The doctor explains. I thank her and turn to harry. “Wheres Niall?” I ask. “He went to get some breakfast for us!” Harry says, hugging Steph.


-Still Chloe P.O.V-

“STEPHIE BEAR!” Niall screeched from the door. “NI BEAR!” She yelled back. “I’m sorry!” Niall whispered in her ear, while hugging her tightly. “It’s okay, it’s not your fault!” She told him.


We walked through the front door and saw the other boys were here. “HEY HO!” I called. “Vas Happnin’?” Zayn asked. We explained what happened. “Well, who wants to go for a swim?” Lou suggests. There was a big chorus of ‘Meee’s’ and ‘Yayyyyy’s’. Before I knew it, we all in the water. Harry’s arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up and smiled at him. “I love you” He whispered. “I love you more” I sassed. “Impossible”. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and then dove into the water, only to be followed by him. He swam beside me. I looked at him and rolled my eyes (Still underwater).  He grabbed my hand and pulled me down to the bottom of the 4 meter deep pool. I smiled at him and hugged him. He pecked my nose before we reached the surface of the water. “LOUIS, GIVE US THE BEACH BALL!!!” Zayn pretended to cry. “NO, JIMMY PROTESTED!” Lou fought, getting out of the pool and running inside with the beach ball. Everyone, except Harry and I, got out and chased after him. I laughed at their childish behavior. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and mine came round his shoulders. Within seconds our lips were closed together, moving in perfect sync. Thunder echoed around us as it started to pour down with rain. I pulled away slowly. “They say if it starts raining while your kissing, it’s supposed to be good luck” Harry spoke just above a whisper. I smile and crash my lips back to his. “EW! get a room, you two” I hear Lou screech. I laugh and pull Harry out of the pool with me. “Come on, we should get inside before the lightning starts” I said, wrapping a towel around Harry and I. We all walked in and got changed into warm clothes. “How ‘bout a movie night?” Lou suggested. We all nodded and found a place on the couch. I somehow ended up on Louis lap. Harry gave Lou a death glare, but let him be. 

*Louis P.O.V*

Nobody knows.....Nobody knows. I’ve got a plan....I will get her. Forget Eleanor...I want Chloe. I’ve got her no my lap, and she smells sooo good. Even though she’s a vampire, that doesn’t mean I can’t drink from her. She drives me crazy! I know Liam attempted to get her to be his, but he got caught. I don’t plan on getting caught. I’ll lure her in. I’ve gotta plan....

*Harry P.O.V*

I wasn’t happy about having Chloe sit on Louis’ lap, but I know he’d never hurt her, so I just let him be.....for now. We all settled on the movie Black Swan. It’s an awesome movie, but my favorite movie will always be ‘Love Actually’.

--Movie Ending--

*Chloe P.O.V*

The end credits rolled through. Nobody really seem to be hungry so, we all started to get ready for bed. I walked down the hall to Harry and I’s room. Suddenly I felt someone slap my but. I turned and saw Louis beside me. “G’night, Lou!” I said, pecking his cheek. “Night. Don’t dream about me too much, Babe.” He replied, giving me a seductive stair. “I’ll try not to.” I joked, playing along with him and walking into the bedroom. Geeze, He’s turning into Harry!. I giggled and jumped onto the bed. Moments later, Harry stepped through the door and shut it. The bed sunk as he slipped under the covers and pulled his arm around my waist.  


My eyes fluttered open to the sound of snoring Harry. I giggled lightly and pecked his nose.  He stirred a little before his eyes open. “Morning, Haz!” I whispered into his ear. “Morning, babe!” He said in his sexy morning voice. He pecked my lips...once...twice...But on the third time he fully joined our lips. I giggled as our lips moved in sync. Every time we kiss, It feels like the very first time. We slowly pulled apart. “I love you, Baby.” He whispered. “I love you more.” I replied. “I-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e. impossible.” He spelt out. “Nothings impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible’.” I sassed back. “You are soo cheesy!” Harry chuckled. I rolled my eyes. “What ever you say big guy!” I said getting up. (A/N: See what I did there?.....No? Okay.....). “Where are you going!??” Harry complained. “To jump off a cliff- Where do you think i’m going, stupid?” I said sarcastically. “Come on!” I said, pulling him out of the bed and throwing a freshly cleaned top at him.

We climbed downstairs and walked into the kitchen, where Lou, Zayn, Ni and Steph. “Morning guys.” I commented, throwing eggs, bacon, and sausages on the stove.

*15 min later, 11:07*

Liam still wasn’t up yet, and breakfast was ready, so I ran upstairs to get him. I slipped through his door and found him deep asleep, mumbling about some girl called ‘Naomi’.

“Naomi, I love you, don’t do this to me!” He mumbled. I lightly shook him and he shot up. “Oh, Chloe. Sorry!” He breathed. “All good. You okay?” I asked. He nodded. “Who’s Naomi?”. “How do you know about her?” He asked. “You were talking in your sleep.” I replied. “Oh...She’s just a girl I met in town the other day. She’s really sweet.” He said dreamily. I giggled. “Someones got a cru-ush! Someones got a cru-ush!” I chanted. He rolled his eyes and followed me down to the kitchen. 

I finished my breakfast and washed the dishes. I didn’t notice Harry come up behind me. “Hello!” He cheered. I jumped, getting a fright. “You alright there, love?” He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and nodded. “Cool, we’re going to town in a few. Go get ready.” He announced before running out at vampire speed. I finished off the dishes and ran upstairs to get ready. I threw on http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=97826650 and walked downstairs to meet Harry, Louis, and Zayn. “Ready?” Lou asks. “Yup!” I reply, before following them out to the car. 

---- *Town* {- - <o**o>- - -}(A/N- Hey! don’t judge, it was supposed to be a car on the road!)

Soon we pulled into the town centre car park and jumped out. As soon as we got inside the centre, the boys ran off and met some of their fans. I sat down on the benches and waited for them. I saw three young teenage girls looking at me and giggling. They approached me. “H-Hi, are you Chloe? Harry’s girlfriend?” One of them asked. “Yes, yes I am.” I replied confidently. They squealed silently to themselves. “Um, could we get a picture with you?” She asked. “Sure, why not!”. “Louis!?” I called to Lou, scene as he was the closest. “Yeah, Love?” He asked. “Could you take a picture for these girls?”. “Sure!” He replied taking the camera from one and snapping a photo. The girls looked a the picture, and smiled. “You’re soo pretty!” One sighed. “Naww, you girls are beautiful as well!” I replied, before they walked off. “Well I see someones a favorite!” Louis cheered. I rolled my eyes at him and we began walking away from the others, knowing they’d catch up. “Where shall we go?”. “Hmm, how about I take you somewhere? It is a secret so you cannot know until we get there!” Lou suggested. “Alright, but what about the others? How will they get home?” I asked. “Vampire speed, Honey!” He sassed. “Kay then, c’mon.”


A/N - Hey guys! Long time, no update, huh!?

I’m super sorry I haven’t been updating lately! I have been really busy with my other fanfics. But I PROMISE I will try to update as fast as possible! - Love you guyyys





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