[11] The Redhead Conquer

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[warning, sex]

[warning, sex]

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[M/N] smiles brightly as he leans forwards, kissing Kyle once more, and the redhead squeaks. This allowed the Hunter to skillfully slide his tongue into Kyle's mouth, moving it with his tense one. Kyle had such a cute expression on his face when being kissed. [M/N] kept kissing the other, and sliding his tongue around, and chuckled as Kyle tried to return the kiss but awkwardly bumps with [M/N]'s.

Kyle pulls back, breathing heavily with bright red cheeks as he stared into [M/N]'s lovely [E/C] eyes. "Wow...I never had kisses like that before.."

"Heh, it shows." [M/N] chuckled, he moved his hands down, feeling over Kyle's chest, the muscles under it. He tugged at the end of the shirt before pulling it up, over Kyle's head. The red curls fall down out of the hair tie and falling over his pale shoulders that freckles were sprinkled over. [M/N] smiled a tad, leaning over and pressed kisses over them, trying to get most of them though knew that was impossible.

"Stop, they're ugly."

[M/N] grins before kissing the shoulder once more, nipping at the skin with a smile. Kyle flushing more as he felt the kissing and nip, it felt good. "Is this your first time?"

"With a man, yes."

[M/N] hummed before kissing Kyle once more, Kyle this time moving his arms wrapping around [M/N]'s neck. Kyle's hair was tugged and he pulled back, moaning softly as [M/N] gives a grin, fang poking out as Kyle smiles. 

Such a cute fang~

[M/N] gently shoved him back, kissing his lips as he lifted Kyle's lower half on the bed. Kyle watching everything with lidded eyes and flushed cheeks, [M/N] looked at the redhead with a smile before pulling down his sweats and boxers, watching the barely alive. [M/N] smiled as his fingers glide down the sides of it before stroking the tip.

There was some red hair at the navel and it looked clean, luckily. 

"You take care of yourself, huh, baby?" [M/N] cooed as Kyle flushed, pressing his hand against his face to calm himself down. "Come now, you've been waiting for this, at least enjoy it dear." The wolf cooed before stroking the member, watching it slowly rise thanks to the attention it was given. Kyle lets out soft moans at the touch, his hips jerking a tad as he was stroked. [M/N] simply smiles at the actions, as his eyes started to shift into molten gold as his nose started to smell the arousal Kyle was letting out by his scent. It smelled sweet. [M/N] began licking his fingers on his other hand, making sure a lot of saliva was coating his fingers.

"Ngn!" Kyle yelped as he felt pressure below and looked to see [M/N]'s fingers had slid into his asshole. He tenses and [M/N] growls in disapproval and Kyle whines, pressing his head back into the pillow. He tries to relax and [M/N] moved his fingers skillfully, and Kyle covered his mouth when whines escape his lips along with the slow strokes to his dick. 

Everything felt so good.

[M/N] moved his fingers, feeling over the area before feeling the spongy nerve and pressed on it. Kyle yelped and tried to cross his legs but [M/N]'s arm prevented that. He whines, nuzzling the pillow under his head a bit, biting his lower lip. He didn't know if Maria left like she said, though grunts as his fingers disappear. [M/N] chuckled as he rubbed the inner pale thighs of the redhead. "What now?" Kyle asked as he looked at the Hunter. [M/N] doesn't answer as he pulled down his own pants, groaning silently as his arm throbs a bit. Kyle sits up worriedly before his green eyes widen, seeing the thick and throbbing member, licking his lips as he looked down to his own. It..looked larger than his own.

He might laugh now that he saw his own dick and mine, mine is just a few inches smaller..than his but still! Gah, hold together Kyle, you got here so far.

"Fuck, I don't think I can mount you at the moment with my fucked up arm-"

"Then let me ride you, I...I never did that before but it would surely be easy on your arm." Kyle interrupts as he pushed some red curls back and licked his lips. His cheeks turning red as [M/N] flushed chuckled, kissing Kyle's cheek. He moved, laying back on the bed, as his dick twitched. Kyle looked down at him, moving and gently straddles him. He placed each leg on [M/N]'s sides, Kyle shivered as he grasped the hunter's dick and takes a deep breath before sinking down. Kyle hissed as the head passed his entrance and kept lowering himself down until [M/N] was in him.

[M/N] rubbed Kyle's hips to soothe the pain and waited for Kyle to move. He didn't want to move and hurt the redhead.

I feel so full....so...fucking full and have [M/N] in him. This...this feel so good..like [M/N] was made for me..

Like he was made for me~


Kyle felt himself twitched before slowly placing his hands on [M/N]'s chest and slowly began moving, bouncing his hips soon. There was still pain but Kyle still moved his hips, bouncing as the pain stopped and pleasure began hitting him. Kyle moving his hips, as [M/N] helped him, raising his hips as Kyle falls back down. 

"Fuck Kyle, I ain't going anywhere." [M/N] said, groaning a bit as Kyle speed up his bounces, and mews as [M/N] claws as his hips, creating red lines with his nails.


Kyle mewls as he felt something strike within him, speeding his bounces with more vigor and moans escaping his plump lips. He throws his head back with moans escaping his lips, his fingers clawing down [M/N]'s chest, causing the wolf to wince at the red lines coming on his chest. [M/N] didn't know why this looked so erotic. His fingers moved up and grasped red curls.

[M/N] tugged the red locks back, watching Kyle's eyes closed as tugged back the red hair. 

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" Kyle mewls as he kept riding [M/N], the bed creaking and [M/N]'s eyes flashed golden as he watched Kyle ride him. 

"Mhm, such a cute redhead, I'm gonna cum-"

"In me!" Kyle suddenly demanded as he pressed his dull nails into [M/N]'s chest. The hunter winced but Kyle kept clawing at his [S/C] chest, leaving marks. "In me! In me!"

I need him, he belongs with me, in me!

[M/N] kept groaning and hissing as Kyle digged his fingers harder. "Fuck! Kyle!" [M/N] groans loudly and cums into the redhead, hissing as he rides out his orgasm as Kyle gasped sharply, still moving his hips before his own cum splatter against his chest and stomach.

Now he'll always be with me~

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