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When we awoke the next morning the TARDIS was gone. We were lying on the grass, morning dew seeping through our clothes. Rebecca laughed at our disgust because typically she'd created a force field around herself whilst she slept, 'completely by accident'. 

I summoned Human Torch and just let him stand by my side until I was dry. Lotte folded her arms and looked grumpy. 

"What shall we do?" I asked. 

"Get food," Rebecca replied. Lotte nodded and I blew my fringe out of my eyes whilst thinking.

"You can't go in because God knows what you'll end up doing with your powers," I said pointing at Rebecca, "and you can't go in because of your money thing."

"You could go in," Rebecca suggested.

"I have no cash."

"Summon a money character then."

"I don't know any, sorry."



"Get one to steal things for you then," Lotte said. I raised an eyebrow then smiled. 

"Maybe not a fictional character," I said slyly, "but how long can you wait for food? Long enough to see if Rebecca goes invisible again?"

"No," Lotte said.

"Yes," Rebecca said. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the trees. I doubled back, realising I had no idea where we were.

"Firstly we need to get out of here," I said. "Anyone got any ideas?"

"Walk and hope?" Lotte suggested.

"Kill some rabbits?" Rebecca said. I looked at her in concern and she grinned psychotically. 

"I'm not even gonna ask," I muttered, rubbing my forehead in thought. "I could... no... Tosh? No equipment... the SUV, perhaps... a dragon?" I grinned and stood up straigher. A large but still young looking green/red dragon filled the clearing. It turned to me and surveyed me through one amber eye. 

"Hello Smaug," I murmured, stroking his nose. He spoke in a deep, rumbling voice.

"What do you want me to do and what do I get out of it?" he asked. I rolled my eyes at his attitude and tapped his snout.

"You might get a little bit of gold," Lotte called. She stepped over Smaug's tail and walked over to me. Rebecca appeared around his side and completed the trio.

"Gold?" Smaug said thoughtfully. "I like the sound of that." He shifted his weight and I heard a tree thud to the ground. Somehow I managed to keep my balance, despite Rebecca clutching at my arm to keep upright and Lotte's arms windmilling in my face.

"Yeah, but first you need to do a little bit of work, dwarf eater," I said. "Take us to the nearest shop and stick your head by a window. Start growling, burn down a tree or something. Try not to hurt anyone. We'll swoop in and save the day, you fly into the sky terrified of us, we get a reward and hence, we can eat." I grinned and Smaug's eyes narrowed. He twisted his long, serpintine neck to look down on me. 

"Why should I?" he asked.

"You get gold," Lotte reminded him. He turned to look at her then dipped his neck. I scrambled up onto his back and indicated that Lotte and Rebecca should climb up too. They sat behind me, clinging to his scales and keeping out of sight. Smaug adjusted his position then took off, wings beating the air, neck used as a rudder, controlling the direction we went in. After a few minutes of flying and screaming we landed. I slid off Smaug's neck and patted him once, running and hiding behind a tree. I waited for Lotte and Rebecca to join me before pulling myself up and into the tree. I sat on a branch, legs swinging, and watched Smaug start chaos.

He set fire to a banner and knocked over a bench. His tail smashed a fountain and he roared, shooting a spiral of flame into the sky. People were screaming and crying and I shook my head, trying to get rid of the noise. Smaug turned to look at our tree and growled, fire blasting along the ground towards us. Rebecca squealed and jumped out of the tree, landing on the ground and bouncing as if she was made of rubber. She stretched out her arm and slapped Smaug around the snout from afar. Lotte climbed down from the tree and approached Smaug from the back, hurling coins at his head. He turned and tried to catch them, eyes glinting with greed. I was about to jump down from the tree and 'fight' when I realised something. If I used any fictional characters to fight with then they would be recognised. I was powerless to do anything at all.

"Georgina!" Lotte shouted. "A little help would be appreciated!" Smaug roared again and Lotte jumped out of the way of a jet of fire. She hid in a doorway and Smaug turned back to Rebecca, jaw opened slightly to reveal his white fangs. It looked like he was smiling.

I leant forwards to see what Smaug was going to do and I fell. I hit the ground with a thud, all the breath knocked out of me. I panicked, power levels going up and down and around and around and-

"Are you okay?" a British accented voice asked. "That dragon. Did it hurt you?"

"N... no..." I gasped, struggling to sit up. A hand supported my back and I was lifted into a sitting position. I turned my head to the right slightly and saw a man's face looking at me worriedly. Long black hair kept well groomed and brushed off his face, blue/grey eyes and sharp cheekbones. He was knelt by my side and as I tried to stand he stood with me, still supporting me. He was tall, roughly six foot. He was wearing green and silver armour, a flowing cape cascading over his shoulders. He smiled thinly and I blinked a few times, unable to move or speak.

"Are you sure you're alright?" he asked after a while. I snapped back to reality and took a step backwards, afraid to be near him.

"You're Loki," I breathed, starstruck. The supervillain narrowed his eyes at me then folded his arms.

"How do you know that?" he said, eyebrows raised but eyes still suspicious. I racked my brain to think of something to say.

"Um.... ouch!" I was thrown backwards by Smaug's thrashing tail. Lotte was watching in horror from the doorway and Rebecca was floating in the sky, arms folded. Loki whirled around and a jet of green flew at Smaug's torso. He growled and sent fire back. The two began a sort of game, a duel of light and flames. I sat up, still injured, and limped my way over. I snapped my fingers and Smaug disappeared but Loki did not.

"Eh?" I said in surprise. Loki turned to me and bowed on one knee.

"You fought and beat the dragon with but a click of your fingers," he said gravely. "You are a powerful mistress to serve under."


"Ooooooh!" Rebecca called, landing on her feet on the pavement and laughing. "Georgina has an admirer!"

Lotte wolf whistled and I blushed, embarrassed. Loki rose to his feet and a golden staff materialised in his hand. He started to aim it at Lotte but I grabbed his arm. He stopped and I snapped my fingers again. The staff vanished and Loki frowned. One eyebrow raised, I stared him down. He sank to one knee again and I rolled my eyes. 

"That's the problem with the characters being dependant on you," I sighed when I reached my friends. "I don't know how much they'll rely on me."

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