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When I woke up the next morning it was because of a sharp knock on the door and a bang as it hit the wall. A boy of around twelve years old marched in, shouting at the top of his lungs.

"Wake up!" he yelled. "Time for breakfast!"

I raised my head slightly and glared at him. Loki curled himself into a tighter ball and started to mutter to himself in Asgardian, almost as if he were putting a curse on the boy. From the green light pulsing beneath his skin I guessed that he was so I shoved him off the bed.

"Ow!" he cried, hitting the floor with his shoulder and flipping over. "What was that for?!"

"No cursing," I said sternly. The boy looked from Loki to me to the bed in confusion. Then an idea dawned on him and he grinned cheekily. Sticking to fingers in his mouth he wolf-whistled, diving out of the doorway before the book I'd thrown hit him.

"Is that fox still going to be there?" Loki asked, rubbing his shoulder. I nodded then realised what he was going on about.

"Oh no!" I ran for the door, skidding across the hall and shoving the boy out of the way. He frowned at me and I gave a rushed explanation.

"I'll tell them. You go back downstairs and forget you ever saw us," I said quickly. I pushed the boy to one side and opened the door, shutting it behind me sharply. It was opened again a second later by Loki. 

"What's going on?" Rebecca asked. Amalia scuttled across the floor as a daschund and looked up at me.

"Yeah, what's going on?" she asked. I jumped and looked down at her, confused.

"You can talk?" I said. She nodded her doggy head, ears flapping. 

"I can talk as an animal," she replied. "And as a human, obviously."

"Fantastic," I murmured to myself, "double the noise."

"But seriously, what's going on?" Lotte said, walking over. I sighed and pointed at Foxy. He tilted his head, eyepatch flapping.

"A boy was about to walk in here and scream at you that it was time for breakfast," I said, running a hand through my messed up hair. "But he would have seen Foxy and then Foxy might have re-enacted the bite of '87. Sorry, I couldn't let that happen. Although now that kid's going to go downstairs and tell everyone that I was with Loki when he walked in." I sighed again and folded my arms. Foxy creaked over, trying to smile.

"I would not hurt the boy," he said, his voice deeper than expected. His voicebox didn't malfunction and I smiled slightly.

"That's good," I said. "But you might malfunction again, so I think it's best if you stay up here when we leave the room."

"But right now you and Loki need to get out," Rebecca added. I nodded and herded them out of the door. Loki stopped in the doorway, letting Foxy walk ahead. 

"He's not going to be in with me, is he?" he asked nervously, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder towards Foxy. I moved his hand off the doorframe and smiled mischieviously.

"'Bye, Loki," I said, shutting the door. 


When we were all finally ready it was eight o'clock. I had a different pair of jeans, a rusted red colour today. I tied my brown-blonde hair back and checked my reflection. I looked alright, not a tired mess. 

Lotte had her Pink Floyd T-Shirt on and her earphones in. I could hear the music pulsing out from where I stood on the opposite side of the room. It was useless trying to talk to her whilst Pink Floyd took over her brain.

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