The Wheels On The Bus

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In an eyeblink we were stood in the Bifrost. I gasped and spun around, eyes wide. Everything glittered and I could feel myself about to pass out in wonder. 

"Loki, what the hell?" I said. "Seriously... why did you bring me here? Loki?" He was gone. I was trapped in the Bifrost with no way out, in a kingdom that I didn't belong in... Hang on. Didn't Loki say that Lotte, Rebecca and I were from Asgard originally? That's why we got our powers. But because we didn't show anything, didn't show any magical abilities we were sent to Earth (or Midgard). 

"Well that makes sense," I said aloud. "But now what?"

"Georgina!" a voice cried. Rebecca ran over, flickering into view part way through her run. Lotte walked over, grinning.

"Reuinted again," she said. "But now what?"

"How did you get here?" I asked in surprise. Rebecca smiled mischieviously.

"I found out that I could read minds at long distance," she explained. "So I decided to poke around in Loki's head. I heard him mention Heimdall so I said it out loud. We appeared up here a second later."

"Where's Sophie?"


"Y'know, Sophie, big animatronic cat girl," I said slowly. Rebecca shook her head and Lotte shrugged.

"No idea," Lotte said. "What do we do now?" The entire place jolted slightly and my arms windmilled. Someone was behind me, catching me and standing me up straight. Some invisible force smacked into my side and I cried out. Lotte tripped forwards and Rebecca overbalanced. My thoughts spiralled and I sighed.

"I wish the bus driver wouldn't go so fast," I murmured, straightening my blazer and putting my rucksack back onto my seat. Lotte sorted out her notebooks and Rebecca zipped up her green coat. They watched me expectantly, waiting for me to continue with the story. The bus settled down and just as I opened my mouth again we stopped. I groaned and swung my rucksack onto my shoulder.

"We're at school," I pointed out. "I have to stop, sorry." I walked to the front of the bus, flinching as year sevens crashed into me. Rebecca and Lotte were stood just behind me, rocking back and forth with the motion of the bus. I sighed again and darted off the bus into the freezing English rain, waiting for my friends underneath a tree. They joined me quickly and we started the walk up the drive to school.

"Well, are you going to continue?" Lotte asked. I shook my head.

"But who caught Georgina?" Rebecca asked.

"How did we get there?"

"Where's Sophie?"

"Is Amalia really dead?"

"I'll continue in the Library, okay?!"


Once we'd shrugged off our coats and put them in our lockers we headed up to the Library, hanging around the notice board whilst we waited for it to open. Posters and scribbled notices were covering it completely. I read it whilst we waited.

'Chess Club at 1PM today!'

'Manga Club cancelled, sorry!'

'Would 7W please come to the office?'

'Super Glitches beware, the security guard is coming... L.'

"What the frick?" I said aloud. "That's... tha's impossible!" I pointed to the notice. "How the hell does that work? I only started that story on the bus..." Lotte and Rebecca looked as bewildered as I felt. 

"The Library's open now," a dinner lady called shrilly. Rebecca lead the way up to the Library, me loping behind, taking the stairs two at a time. Lotte stayed downstairs to talk to Vita, who'd just arrived. 

"Hey guys!" a voice said from behind us. I jumped whereas Rebecca merely turned around. Sophie was stood behind us, human, not an animatronic cat like in my story. Amalia was behind and I tried not to look guilty. They didn't know that they were characters in my story as I'd only started talking that morning but I really didn't want Amalia to find out she'd died.

"Amalia," Rebecca said immediately. "Georgina killed you." I hit my forehead with the heel of my palm and groaned. Amalia looked at me suspiciously.

"What do you mean?" she asked. I sat down at a table and plonked my bag on the chair next to me. Sophie promptly pushed it off and sat next to me. 

"So, what did you do for your art homework?" she said. I felt my freckled face go pale.

"What art homework?" I said nervously, glancing over to the art department that adjoined onto the Library. "D'you reckon Mrs S will come through or can I do it now?" 

"Show me your book," Sophie instructed. I ferreted through my bag and pulled out my black sketchbook. I handed it to her and she flipped it open.

"What's this?" she said in surprise. I peered over at my book and frowned.

"I..." I stammered. "I don't know." Rebecca walked over and sat opposite us. She glanced at my art book and her eyes went wide. Amalia and Lotte walked over, both looking down at my page. Both stopped in shock.

"You've drawn... who is that?" Amalia said. I took the book off Sophie and flicked through the pages.

"Loki, Foxy, me, Rebecca, Sophie, Lotte, you, Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, Chica and a battle scene where we're fighting them all." I gave a commentary as I skimmed the book. "And I can't remember drawing any of these."

"They look like photographs," Sophie said.

"Yeah, you can't draw that well, George," Rebecca added. I glared at her.

"Ta, mate."

"But seriously," Lotte said, sitting down. "That is weird. It looks like images in your story that are yet to come." As we all surveyed the book the images began to move...

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