A Little Bit Of Payback

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A/N: This prank is a sort of 5NAF gameplay but edited to fit with the story. No copyright intended or any of that jazz.

We waited until precisely midnight before putting the plan into action. 

Rebecca walked to the top of the stairs and stood there, force field preventing anyone from coming up. We were on the top floor of the home and were alone. That made things a whole lot easier.

"Ready?" I whispered. Everyone was in position and I got nods from all round. Amalia was hidden further down the corridor in the shadows at the end. Lotte pressed play on her phone and the soundtrack to Slender began, projected through cleverly concealed speakers to feed into Loki's room. Sophie was stood on my right side as her normal cat animatronic form and on my left there was a large metal fox. He was about as tall as Loki, around six foot that is. He had raggedy trousers, a hooked right hand and an eyepatch over the top of his left eye, not obstructing his vision. His right eye drooped slightly like his bottom jaw which was definitely broken. Unlike Sophie he wasn't neat and working, his endoskeleton poked out through holes in his costume and his voicebox malfunctioned so it sounded like he was screaming at you. He could also run at incredible speed to get away from Freddy, the animatronic trying to trap him and prevent him from performing. Whilst we stood waiting for the right moment to strike he started to hum to himself.

"Dum dum dum de dum, dum de dum dum," he sang quietly. I glanced at him and shook my head.

"Foxy, this isn't Pirate's Cove," I said. "There's no need for you to sing." His head jerked to look at me and he seemed to grin and snarl at the same time.

"Sorreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," he screeched. I shook my head frantically and held a finger to my lips. He mimicked me, holding his hook to his muzzle. I nodded and gave Sophie a gentle push forwards.

Earlier on in the evening, when we heard Loki go downstairs breifly, we'd fixed a load of cameras in his room. Lotte and Sophie can draw really well and so they drew up the posters that Lotte researched on her phone. Rebecca had snuck in whilst invisble and had stuck them up. I'd worked with the Doctor to create switches for his door and we jokingly made one for his window. We linked them to my iPod so I could control what went on in his room from the safety of my bed. It was the perfect plan. 

Sophie walked stiffly out into the corridor, tail creaking as it swished back and forth. Her eyes were large and seemed to stare right into your soul when you looked at her. Her clothes were metal and her endoskeleton poked out above her boots, wires looping over the top and catching around the buckle. The laced bits on the top of her dress were made of barbed wire and would rip a normal human's skin to shreds. Her fangs poked over her lips and glinted in the flickering hall light. She positioned herself at the end of the hall, Rebecca hidden behind her shoulder. She stared directly into the camera fixed to the ceiling and grinned satanically. I swept my finger over my iPod screen and the cameras in Loki's room turned on. I could see the blue glow coming from underneath his door and heard quite clearly the startled grunt. Sophie was framed in the main camera, the first one he would see. I heard soft footsteps pad across Loki's wooden floor and tapped the button that would illuminate the door and light switches. There was only one for the lights, able to turn on the hall light or turn it off. I grinned and shrank further behind my door, watching on Lotte's borrowed phone for Loki's reaction. He seemed confused and my smile grew.

"Calling Sophie, move... now," I whispered into my earpiece. Another thank you to Torchwood for that one. 

Sophie moved forwards as quickly as she could, lurking in the shadows of the hallway and out of site of the cameras. Loki jumped; he'd taken his eyes off the cameras for one second and she'd vanished. He took a step closer to the cameras, eyes flickering over the screens. I tapped Foxy and he poked his head around the curtain covering our doorway. He took hold of my left wrist gently in his hook to make it look as if he were holding us hostage. I watched Lotte's phone and saw Loki take a step back in fear as he glimpsed Foxy's face. He reached out with one trembling hand to touch the camera and Foxy twitched his head. Loki's eyes widened and he fell backwards onto his bed in terror. I tapped another button on my iPod and a power bar lit up on Loki's wall. His eyes travelled to it and I saw him out his head in his hands. It read only thirty percent.

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