Endless Spiral Of Nightmares

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I guess at some point I drifted into the dreamworld because when I woke up again it was just gone midday. Loki had an arm wrapped around me and was still asleep. I yawned, reluctant to move. I opened my eyes wider and spotted some people running towards us. I sat up and Loki groaned. I'd accidentally kneed him in the stomach when I moved. 

"Hiya, you lot," I said, standing up. Sophie had cleaned herself up from the fight, fully repaired. Rebecca was visible for once, Lotte looked shaken and they all looked incredibly sad.

"Sorry 'bout Amalia," I said quietly. "I didn't know he'd, um, well..."

"You created him," Lotte said coldly.

"So it's your fault," Rebecca added.

"And for that, we have found a solution to your powers," Sophie grinned. My eyes widened and I took a step back uncertainly. Unfortunately I tripped over Loki. He hissed and sat up, rubbing his eyes. 

"What's going on?" he asked. "Who's blaming who?"

"Georgina caused Amalia's death," Sophie said accusingly. Loki glanced over at me.

"Oh yes," he said. "Well, with every plan something usually goes wrong."

"She's dead!" Rebecca said in shock. "The plan didn't just go wrong, it frikkin' failed!"

"Foxy vanished," Loki pointed out, getting to his feet and brushing grass off his armour that he was suddenly wearing. "So technically it worked."

Lotte took a step forwards and pushed Loki. "No, Amalia died."

"She died playing her part in the plan." My eyes travelled from Loki to the group like I was at a tennis match.

"And who came up with that plan? She did!" Sophie pointed at me and snarled, pointed teeth glinting. Rebecca's hands were full of fire and Lotte had her fists raised. I took another step back as Loki's staff appeared in his hand. I stared; I hadn't put it there.

"Leave her alone," he said coldly. "She did nothing wrong."

"Evil! Evil! Evil! Evil!" Lotte, Rebecca and Sophie began to chant. Foxy appeared behind them, grinning, head tilted to one side menacingly. I tried to turn and run but I was frozen in place.

"No," I whispered. "No, I didn't do anything..." They advanced and Loki vanished, staff falling to the floor. Sophie lunged, Rebecca threw the fire and Lotte swung a punch.

And then I woke up screaming. Loki jumped and fell over, hitting his head on a tree. I jumped to my feet and ran into the woods, terrified of myself. I was crying and stumbling around in the dark, sunlight not able to penetrate the canopy. I sunk to my knees and put my head in my hands, sobbing.

"Georgina? Hey, where are you?" Loki yelled. I heard footsteps walking between the trees and out of the corner of my eye spotted a flash of green. Loki headed towards me and lifted my head up so that he could talk to me properly.

"What happened?" he said softly. I shook my head and tried to look down at the ground again. Loki took his hand away and folded his arms.

"Are you going to talk or am I going to have to mind probe you?" he said. I looked up at him in a sudden panic, unsure of whether or not he was joking. A smile twitched at the corner of his mouth and I breathed a sigh of relief. 

"For a second I thought you were serious and was getting freaked out," I said quietly. Loki laughed and sat back on his heels.

"So, what happened?" he repeated. I sighed and sat with my back against a tree, making patterns in the grass with one hand. 

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