The Home

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The next day Tommy and Eric lead us to the local social services. We were taken in quite happily and immediately caused trouble by refusing to be separated.

"No!" Rebecca screamed. I flinched but stayed strong. The fuss she was making insured that we were stayed together instead of being moved to another children's home. In fact, the chaos she caused was so good and so annoying that we were able to share a room. Fortunately no-one had to be moved. 

I was sat on my bed, looking around and composing my thoughts when there was a knock at the door. Lotte was talking to some girl named Vita and Rebecca was being spoken to by a care worker. I was left alone, trying desparately to calm down. Loki was in the room across the hall, alone. It turns out that he's only thirteen. 

"Hello?" a voice said. The door creaked open and a head poked around. I gasped and almost fell off my bed. The girl walked into my room properly and smiled. She had brown, shoulder length hair and dark blue eyes. She was wearing a black dress with white lace collar and short sleeved cuffs, almost like a maid's outfit but without the apron. Her boots reached her knees and were made of black leather. I avoided looking closely at her face until last; despite having human skin she had cat whiskers and a pointed nose. Her teeth were pointed and she had ears poking out from her hair, exactly the same colour. 

"My name's Sophie," she continued. 

"Georgina," I replied. "George for short."

"So, you're new here," she stated, perching on the edge of my bed. A cat's tail waved behind her, wrapping around her waist like a furry brown belt. 

"Yep. Me, Lotte, Rebecca and Loki," I said casually, lying back on my bed with my hands behind my head. My jacket was discarded on the floor and my T-Shirt was dark red with the words 'dum dum de dum de dum' on it with a picture of an animatronic fox underneath. It was Foxy from '5 Nights at Freddy's', the video game. I'd often considered creating him but reckoned he would be too tall and freaky. Oh, and he'd probably kill me. 

"If you need help settling in or want information about the town, find me or Amalia," she said with a smile. I blinked in surprise.

"Weren't you just a cat?" I asked before I could stop myself. Sophie laughed.

"I'm an animatronic," she explained. "But I can become human. I am most of the time but I often glitch."

"Like me, Rebecca and Lotte," I said softly. "We all have powers that glitch too. The Super Glitches, that's who we are. D'you know anyone else who has powers?"

"Amalia," Sophie said immediately. "She can become any animal but only one smaller than a wallaby. And she's normally in animal form, so... Hey, there she is." Sophie pointed and licked her lips. A girl with frizzy brown hair and glasses transformed from a brown mouse into a human. I guessed that she was Amalia.

"Hi," she said in a voice that was naturally loud. "I'm Amalia."

"I guessed," I said dryly. 

"What can you do?" Sophie asked. "You and the other two. And the tall guy."

"I can create any fictional character and make them come to life," I began, "but they follow me around, are dependant on me and are normally children. Lotte always has the exact change in her pocket for whatever you're buying but it's in foreign money or historical money. Rebecca can do anything she wants but has no control over when or what she does. And Loki, well, he's magic. Mind control, healing and Odin knows what."


"Odin? Oh, um..." I hesitated. "No one. Just a habit of mine." I laughed nervously, aware that I'd just given myself away. Sophie nodded disbelievingly and Amalia turned into a parrot. She sat on Sophie's shoulder and they both walked out of my room. Sophie stopped in the doorway and turned around.

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