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I sat up and groaned, rubbing my forehead.

I'd got rid of the Smurfs and now it felt like my head was on fire. Too many fiery characters had taken over my brain and I needed to get them out. I snapped my fingers and all was calm. Inside my head, that is.

"Georgina!" Rebecca yelled. Lotte looked up from her phone and grinned. Both ran over and were about to hug me when they noticed me flinch. Rebecca sort of nodded, smiling and Lotte held out her hand for a bro-fist. I bro-fisted back and smiled weakly.

"Are you really queen of Asgard?" a little boy aske. Tommy whispered something in his ear and he nodded. "I'm Declan, by the way."

"I could be," I replied with a wink. He looked at me in awe then was pushed aside by a slightly taller boy, identical to the first. 

"How did you know that we are all named after entertainers? I'm Anthony," the boy said loudly. 

"Tommy Cooper, Eric Morecambe, Ernie Wise, Anthony McPartlin, Declan Donnelly, Lee Mack," I said. "All comedians or entertainers. I don't know if you have any oher siblings because I stopped Tommy there." 

"I think that Tommy will die first because of Tommy Cooper's death on stage," another boy said. "Lee."

"That's not very nice," Rebecca said, slightly shocked. "You can't base it on that."

"Yeah, or everyone called Robin would commit suicide," another boy added. He was the only one left so I guessed he must be Ernie. Anthony and Declan started kicking him - he seemed to be a triplet - and he recoiled, apologising.

"Robin doesn't die in Batman," Tommy said, confused. He was youngest out of all the boys so their ages ranged from 9-18. 





"Leave him alone!" Eric had returned and was standing in front of Tommy defensively, hands on hips. "I leave you lot for a minute and you start squabbling? Geez! Anyway, have any of you asked to see if the girl is okay?" There was silence from the boys. Eric sighed and folded his arms. I shook my head, smiling slightly. 

"I'm fine," I said croakily. "Just tired and in need of a drink." In an eyeblink the boys were gone, competing to get me my drink. Eric rolled his eyes and walked after them.

"They'll be gone for about half an hour," Lotte said. "That's how long it takes for them to get there and back, longer if they're in trouble."

"Have you seen their parents?" I asked. "Or are they like the Lost Boys in Peter Pan?"

"Their dad works on TV and their mum works in town," Rebecca said. "That's what we've been told, anyway. They get back at night and know that we're here but don't interfere." A twig snapped and I jumped. Rebecca flew upwards like a rocket, arms folded and eyes rolling. Lotte jumped behind a tree and I heard her run in the direction of the boys. Another set of footsteps joined her and I heard Tommy say something. I couldn't work out what he said because I was in panic mode, power levels jumping about all over the place. Hazy figures flickered into view, vanishing the instant my mind leapt to another possible suspect of who was behind me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and tensed.

"You're awake then," a voice said happily. I spun on my heel and slapped Loki across the face. He took a step back in shock and I slapped him again, punching his arm and kicking him in the gut. He doubled over and wisely tucked his chin down onto his chest just as my foot slammed into it. He hissed and blood dripped onto the floor. I cuffed him around the head, catching his ears with the sharp buttons on my jacket sleeves. He held a hand to his head and his blinked several times, disoreintated. He made the mistake of straightening up slightly and I headbutted him in the chest, knocking him down. He landed on his back, all the breath knocked out of him. Tears were forming in his eyes but they were of both anger and pain. I hesitated a moment, long enough for him to be able to push me off his chest. I had been kneeling on him, pinning him down but I toppled to the floor, crying in rage. I glimpsed Rebecca stuck in a tree to my left but the tears blurred my vision, not allowing me to see.

"LOKI!" I roared, hands balled into fists. A tear dripped off my freckled nose and hit the grass. Loki's eyes softened but he was still furious, skin tinting blue.

"What?" he spat back.

"WHY DID YOU FREEZE MY BLOODY BRAIN???!!!" I screamed at him. Rebecca climbed to another tree and watched from a distance. The boys had returned, Lotte leading them. Every single spectator looked terrified of how mad I was. 

"I didn't mean to, I-"

"You said it was something to do with a glitch in my powers, something to do with my glitch." My voice went quiet and although I appeared calm my eyes portrayed my fury. Loki actually had the grace to look a little but frightened but he still stood straight, never letting his voice waver or faltering in his arguement.

"Because your mind controls your characters it also has to recieve them in whatever form they come back to you in. The blue dwarves were frozen in ice and hence, they affected your brain. I think I may have already explained that."

"Whilst I was unconscious and possibly dying, yes."

"Correct. Then."

"Why didn't you help?" I was dangerously quiet now. 

"I didn't know how."

"You're freaking magic, you could have done anything! You did it to me in the first place so you should've been able to fix it!"

"I already said, I didn't do that-"

"Yeah, I did. Always passing the blame onto someone else, aren't you, Loki?" I said coldly. Loki's eyes flashed red, yet again revealing the Frost Giant he was.

"Will you be quiet, you mewling quim?" he snapped. My eyebrows shot up and I raised one hand in an 'oh-no-he-didn't' pose. 

"Excuse me?" I retorted. "You nearly killed me!"

"That was you own glitch!"

"And you're part of that freakin glitch so shut up!"

"How dare you!" he yelled, hands balled into fists and skin going a bright blue. "How dare you insult me, Loki, rightful king of Asgard?!"

"Technically you're a Frost Giant so you shouldn't have been in Asgard in the first place," I shot back.

"Technically you're not from Midgard yet you still live there," Loki growled. I froze in shock.

"What do you mean, 'not from Midgard'?" I whispered. Loki looked ashamed that he'd said anything and shook his head, skin returning to its normal pale shade.

"I..." he stuttered. "You shouldn't know that."

"Why not?"

"Because it changes things in Asgard. You three," he indicated Lotte and Rebecca as well, "all come from Asgard originally. Adopted by the same family. Sent to Midgard because you didn't show any signs of being godlike in the slightest."

"Thanks," I said sarcastically.

"But you developed powers," Loki continued. "And no one knew what to do. Thor wanted to just get rid of you and pretend nothing had happened. Most people were set on that idea but I stole Mjölnir so he couldn't hurt any of you. You went on with your normal lives, only glitching now and again. But recently it became more and more frequent. I don't know why, before you ask. But you have to start a life in this world."

"There's no such thing as Marvel!"

"Invent it then."

"Oh yeah." I grnned as I thought of the fame the comics would reach. Then my smile faded. "Hold on, will we never see our families again?"

"I'm afraid so. You will be sent into foster care, living in a children's home at first. I'm sorry but it's necessary." He bit his lip and looked at the ground. "If it's any easier, I can wipe what memories you have of them. They've already forgotten you."

"LOKI!" I bellowed, springing for his throat. He only had time for a look of panic to flash in his eyes before Rebecca, Lotte and I were punching him with all the strength we had. 

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