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After Stacey got attacked from a vampire hunter, she and Rebekah requested for her to get them milkshakes. Annabelle didn't really mind and wanted to go on a walk anyways so she agreed and now was walking on her way to the Mystic Grill.

Jeremy. He would always come to mind making her feel guilty. She had used him and her sister ended up being the reason of his death but now, she could no longer blame Beatrice because she was dead but she also didn't blame Elena.

If she was being completely honest, she understood the doppelgänger for doing that. If someone had killed her sister, she would get revenge and make it even but it didn't make the grief any better.

Finally, she made it to the grill and walked in. She noticed Matt and he hesitantly sent her a small wave making her lips slightly curl up and she returned the wave before turning in front of her and waking over to the counter, slightly confused but she waved it off. Although they worked together, they never spoke.

"Two chocolate milkshakes please and make it take away." Annabelle smiled and Jessie's eyes lit up.

"Hey! It's your day off right?" Jessie asked. However, something seemed off but Annabelle brushed it off.

"Yeah." Annabelle chuckled awkwardly "So... milkshakes?"

"Oh! Right, sorry!" Jessie sheepishly smiled snd began taking her order. "Hear about the new guy in town?"

"No...besides, I don't really care." Annabelle admitted, shrugging slightly as she peeked over her shoulder to see an unfamiliar face walk in.

"Let me guess, that's him?" Annabelle rolled her eyes as the man looked at her and she turned back to Jessie. "He's cute I guess."

"Yes he is but don't tell my date that." Jessie smiled and Annabelle nodded with a raised brow. "He's actually a cool person and I'm getting to know him."

Annabelle pursed her lips as she turns to the man. "Tony Young." He introduced, outstretching his hand that held a leather glove.

Annabelle squinted her eyes before forcing a smile "Annabelle Francisco." She looked to his hand, smelling the vervain radiating from his gloves. "Sorry, i have a illness, very serious and contagious." She crossed her arms. "Are you new in town?"

"Yeah, just hanging around, checking the area for any wild animals." Oh, he's definitely the hunter that attacked Stacey Annabelle thought to herself.

"Really? I thought Mystic Falls got rid of the bears and mountain lions because the animal attacks had stopped. Guess it was just a pitstop, huh?" Annabelle tested, raising a brow.

"I guess so." Tony answered, raising a brow. "And where do those animal attacks usually occur if you don't mind me asking?"

"Hmm..." Annabelle debated on something. "Right by the Gilbert's residence or the Salvatores boarding house."

That was what she was going to say but decided against it. "By the end of the woods, in a small hut, right by a lake." Actually, there lived an actual bear when Jeremy took her on a walk, in the woods and she thought that once the hunter comes across it, he'll leave town thinking it was a bear.

Tony squinted his eyes at her, he found the girl in front of him very eye appealing and beautiful. If she knew where the attacks were coming from, perhaps he could use it to his upper advantage. The milkshakes arrived "Drink for two?" Tony raised a brow.

Annabelle resisted the urge to roll her eyes, it wasn't any of his business. "Yeah..." she nodded "I need to get going." She paid for the drinks then hurried home.

She sped home and immediately walked in the living room to see everyone discussing things with Kol who was staring at the ground, almost in a sheepish, shameful manner making her raise a brow and she walked over to Rebekah and Stacey, giving them the drinks before turning to the rest.

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