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"I can't believe this is happening." Annabelle mumbles to Caroline who dragged her, Katherine, Stacey and Rebekah to founders day, making them all dress in a medieval theme. she wore a yellow hood over her gown. "And Caroline, don't be surprised if i kill you by the end of today."

Caroline smiles and nudges her side. "Come on, this is what we need, a normal day and in the future, when we're all risking our lives over something, you'll be looking back to this day and be like—"

A couple of weeks had passed. Annabelle and Kol decided they would leave after ensuring everything. Well, Annabelle decided but Kol wanted to leave the moment she woke up. A little has changed over the weeks.

Klaus and Caroline had broken up after the countless arguments and make-up sex. She moved on to Stefan and Klaus met some bartender by the name of Camille. Elijah had proposed to Katherine, and she said yes. Stacey and Rebekah became official and Bonnie left to Paris with some guy named Enzo. In the end, they all found love.

"Okay, i think she gets it." Stacey interrupts. "But what's the use of this day? just dress up?"

"I like history." Rebekah shrugs.

"That's because you are history." Katherine points out and confidently swings her hair behind her back.

Rebekah narrows her eyes at the girl. "So are you."

"You're all grandmas, now let's go." Annabelle puts her arms around them and pushes them forward to walk. they stumble, sending her glares before walking. Katherine sees Elena who looks like the exact copy of her making her huff.

They all part ways and Annabelle lifts up her gown, walking as she looks around until she sensed someone behind her making her turn and face Kol. "Oh-wow." she raises a brow at him, eyeing him from up to down. "Do you ever look bad?"

Kol smiles and his gloved hands take hers, spinning her. "I'm afraid it's not possible." He says, smile turning to a smirk. He unlaces his hands from hers and takes off her hood. "You look beautiful."

Annabelles lips curl up and she pecks his cheek before looking around again, seeing Stefan and Caroline flirting making her grin then turn back to Kol once he traced his finger over her jaw. "I love you..." he whispers and leans forward, pressing his lips against hers.

she places a hand on his neck as his goes around her waist making her body lean back and then he pulls away, releasing her and she parts her lips, about to say something before closing them again. they said it to each other all the time but every time he said it, she felt like he had given her the world.

"I love you so much more." She chuckles but Kol shakes his head as his hands go to her hood and he unties it before setting it down on a chair. "Is this better?" she spins.

𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𓆩𝐤𝐨𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧𓆪 ||2 Where stories live. Discover now