☾ɢᴇᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅʏ☽

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ɢᴇᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅʏᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 44

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ɢᴇᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅʏ
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 44.13

Annabelle gasped and sat up, immediately standing to her feet and rubbing her temples. She looked around. Everyone was there, including Kiera and her coven. They were all smiling softly except Kol who looked at her in disbelief, not believing she's actually there.

"Anna!" Stacey cheered and pulled her sister in a tight bone crushing hug and Annabelle groaned, her head hurting and her body aching.

"Ouch. Tight. Air. Breathe. Headache." Annabelle summarized and Stacey pulled away with a smile and teary eyes but before she could process, Rebekah hugged her tightly and Annabelle immediately returned the hug. "I didn't mean what I said."

"I know." Rebekah whispered quietly and she pulls away, patting Annabelles shoulder then walking back to Stacey.

Annabelle then hugged Caroline, Elijah, Klaus, she somehow even hugged Katherine and it was a sight. When she pulled away, she rubbed her temples but before she could process, Kol took her and pulled her in a hug and she felt like she could melt.

Kol didn't want to pull away and neither did Annabelle. He could smell her blood, it was powerful! Much more powerful than the last time but right now, he was focused on how he had another chance with Annabelle and this time, he's not going to mess it up this time.

When they pull away, Annabelle turned to Kiera and the coven. "Thank you...I mean it." She smiled appreciatively. Breathing in the air and her hands secretly trails to Kols.

"It is our pleasure, Annabelle but we must get going. Klaus has my number, if you ever need our help..." Kiera trailed, her eyes looking down to see Kol locking his fingers with Annabelle.

"Yeah, of course." Annabelle nodded, giving Kols hand a squeeze and everyone smirked at them. Noticing them holding hands since Kol was staring at their hands.

After their farewells. They all talked, laughing and chatting as they appreciated the moment but they noticed Annabelle and Kol sneaking glances making them all share nods and made ridiculous excuses to leave the two along. Stacey didn't but Rebekah dragged her out.

"We have to go walk...something."

"There's a...cow in the backyard, let's go Klaus."

"Is that...oh, it's that guy from yesterday! Remember, Elijah? Yeah, we should go talk to the guy!"

Annabelle stood up and dusted herself off but Kol stood in front of her, she smiled softly and getting immediate flashes of what happened before she turned it off. He lifts her chin making her meet his. Her heart hammered against her chest and he heard it.

"About Stefan and what I said, I mean, it didn't mean anything and what I said, I didn't mean it I was just—"

"Annabelle." He interrupts her rambling and she sighs. "You've died in my arms twice." Kol reminded and she sighed, nodding slightly. "I thought I had lost you, again and you owe me for scaring the living hell out of me, darling." He mused.

"Yeah." Annabelle smiled "And how exactly do I make it up to you, Kol?" She asked, tilting her head to the side as his hands go to her shoulder then her hands.

"Start off with a fancy dress because tonight, I'm taking you out. Just you and I." Kol held her hands then bought it up to his lips, placing soft kisses on there.

Annabelle could feel her cheeks heat up. She had been denying him for far to long but she decided to be selfish and agree. She nodded then leaned forward, pecking his cheek then she leaned closer to his ear.

"It's a date." Annabelle whispered then walked away to take a shower and get ready. Kol smiled at where she had just stood, a sigh of relief escaping his lips.


When Annabelle had finished her shower, she had dried her hair and decided to leave it curled up. Her long wavy brown hair reaching her hips and she smiled at the mirror then did her makeup, simple makeup, it wasn't heavy but it wasn't simple.

Then, she wore a sleeve, bodice scrunched black dress with the sleeves being sheer. White sneakers and a pearly purse. She combed her hair for assurance and looked at the mirror, eyeing herself from bottom to top then someone knocked on her door.

Annabelles eyes widened until Stacey walked in seeming bitter but she covered it with a small smile. "Wow, you look...amazing." She smiled in shock and Annabelle sighed in relief. "He finally asked you out.. in a more...gentle manner?"

"Hey, Kols gentle.." Stacey sends her a look. "..ish." Annabelle laughed then looked to her sister. "I know I've been a big jerk but you better tell me how you and Rebekah tsk tsk."

"Just a modern day love story." Stacey laughed and the two hugged each other tightly. "I thought I lost you...I cant afford to lose anyone else, Anna. Not to mention you burning down our family house."

"I'm sorry for that." Annabelle rubbed her sisters back "I know and besides, being dead didn't stick." She chuckled and Stacey joined in, laughing with happy tears. Annabelles eyes also get teary and she smacked her sisters hand playfully.

"Seriously, no waterfalls of tears because this makeup took too long." Annabelle scolded and Stacey nodded, smiling as she wiped her tears.

Caroline walked in the room, seeming sad but she forced a smile. Just when she opened her mouth to speak, Annabelle spoke first. "You should give Klaus another chance...I didn't know what I was saying." She frowns. "He loves you."

"I've given him many chances." Caroline pouts "But who would hurt their family willingly?" She asked.

"He did it so Mikael wouldn't find them..." Annabelle put a hand on her shoulder "Give him another chance. You've got nothing to lose, Care." She smiled softly.

Caroline took a deep breath and nodded "Okay." She gave in. "Kols jaw is going to hit the ground once he sees you." She laughed, changing the subject.

Just then, Rebekah entered the room. "Kol is waiting for yo— woah." She smiled "You look stunning." Rebekah complimented then discretely took Staceys hand.

Stacey looked to her and smiled widely "Hey." She pecked her lips but Rebekah pulled her back then kissed her again until Caroline and Annabelle cleared their throats, shifting awkwardly.

"I should go." Annabelle murmured then looked to Caroline "Give him a chance." With that, she grabbed her purse and walked out of the room, taking a deep breath.

Um. They're finally going on a date ig.

Don't worry, drama is coming soon again!!

⚠️⚠️⚠️Trailer is gonna be out in like two or five minutes in the first chapter in the first book (the trailer won't make sense until I finish the entire book)THE TRAILER HAS MADISON BEER SO ITS HARD TO GET SCENES SO IT WONT BE GOOD⚠️⚠️⚠️

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