I'm sorry

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⚠️Little warning here! This chapter will be a little gory. Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable.

Itachi sighed as he placed a cool damp rag on y/n's forehead hoping to lower her growing fever. She has been out for sometime now and he was beginning to worry. The others left her in his care seeming as they had other important matters to attend to. 'Those bastards.' He thought as he observed the state she was in.

'Y/n.. I'm sorry.'

Back to the past
It had been a month since the incident with Orochimaru occurred and .. well things changed.

Y/n sighed as she gazed longingly out her window. Oh how she wished to be outside playing but she knew her parents would be very reluctant of letting her go. She noticed things were off in the household for instance her parents seemed more tired than usual and...depressed. Her brother didn't seem to be affected as much as them but even he slipped up. It was all to weird for little y/n to handle so she decided go outside to secretly pick flowers.

"I wonder why they seem so sad? Maybe some flowers will cheer them up they always love it when I bring them flowers."

Y/n ran off to a meadow.

In another point of view
The young l/n child was off picking flowers for her family.

'Such innocence I have to destroy.. I'm sorry little one but this pain will only be filled with pain and suffering.'

The child left after gathering a bouquet of what looked to be mostly weeds.

*sigh* 'It's almost time to make my move..'

Back to y/n
Y/n hurriedly rushed home.
'I hope they like them.'

Finally reaching the door she made her way inside. The house was dead silent.
"Where is everyone?"

She heard whispering coming from her parents room.

"Someone's coming I'm sure of it."
Walking slowly toward the door she heard voices but they came out muffled.

'I shouldn't be eavesdropping.' Y/n shook her head.

"What do you mean we have to send her away!?" Hollered her distressed mother.


"M/n they're going to come for her sooner or later.. we have to act now. Look I already asked an old friend of mine and she said would be willing to take her in." F/n said calmly but his tone of voice had the same hint of distress as her mother.

"But she's so young.. what will we tell her and what about b/n?"

"B/n... will stay with us. It's not him they're specifically after. Y/n will be better off away from here and she'll be able to start somewhere new and live a life she deserves."


"... I don't understand why can't we just stick together?" Asked m/n.

F/n sighed. "It's too dangerous to have two l/n's in the same location.. you know that. Having both our children in the same location would only make it harder than it already is. They give off a powerful energy when together that's why separating them is our only safe option at this point. We also have to put into account that the village is also important. There are lives we are putting at risk. Villagers that are afraid of her. So maybe it's for the best.."

"How is this for the best!? B/n you agree with me right?!" Her mother pleaded to her five year old.

"I-I just want my little sister to be safe. I don't know what other option there is.. so I guess i have to agree with father on this one."

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