What can you do?

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It had been five days since the massacre... five days since everything changed. Life strikes in very interesting ways ,but some are not so great especially for y/n. The poor girl had barely made it out in time, in result she suffered from burns and there was no doubt her wounds were infected. It was a miracle she was still breathing and even though her wounds heal they were sure to leave a scar.

Days went by slowly as did the weather start to change. The outer ring of her village is no place for a child so she heard. Adults were warned that once you go in you may never come out ever again. No one knew what lurked within, it was a mystery ,but most who do attempt to return usually return horribly disfigured she's heard.
'It's the only way out!' Her small form limped up a hill only to come to see.. mountains. Not one or two several. She sighed internally.

Looking behind to where once was her village she took one final look before limping her way to the outer ring.
'I'm sorry.. I'll come back one day.'

The weather changed drastically over the past few days. Y/n's wounds started to heal but without proper care they were sure to reopen ,but that was the least of her worries. It was snowing which means resources were scarce and as it got colder the chances of survival were low. She lacked the strength and skills to survive ,but her determination pulled through even when her cold cut up feet felt like they were about to fall off. The first few days were horrible at some point she had even passed out ,but she was found by wolves.

Y/n shivered as she cuddled up against the wild wolves in their cave. It's crazy ,why would wild beasts be so friendly to a human? As most know they usually are aggressive and hunt in packs ,wouldn't they have wanted to eat her? The answer to that may been what lurked within her. Could it had been the wolves had sensed the abnormal energy? It wasn't known for sure ,but whatever it was frightened them away to the point where they had to relocate. So they left, they left the sleeping child to fend for herself once again.

Y/n ventured out once again alone and hungry.
The wolves she once cuddled were gone ,but that was a good thing, yes? Who knows if they would have turned on her. Shrugging it off she continued to travel. Soon the day once again turned dark. Her lack of strength to continue on her journey turned emotional. The three year old was ready to give up and die.

"What am I supposed to do now? There all dead." She mumbled.

"What can you do?" A voice spoke.

Y/n looked around in shock. Her eyes then met with a bright deer.

She jumped back in fear in the progress hitting her head

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She jumped back in fear in the progress hitting her head. Tears leaked out her eyes from the pain.

"Stop that." Said the deer.

"Huh?" Y/n rubbed her head.

"Stop those tears, you mustn't show weakness! You humans all have the same thing in common.. your weak and fragile creatures, susceptible to many dangers ,do you know why your weak?"

Y/n trembled and shook her head.

The deer sighed.
"It's because you lack strength. You must grow strong in this world to survive, not everything will be served on a silver platter. In this world those who aren't strong will be the first to perish. Now I'll ask you again. What can you do?"

"...I can try to survi-" She stopped mid sentence when snow was thrown at her.
She shivered from the cold feeling.

" No try again." Said the deer.

"I will survive!- and I will become strong!" She shouted.

The deer kept silent then nodded disappearing into the woods.
"Yes, you will live ,very good.. human."

Y/n astonished by what she witnessed stood up shakily. The throbbing pain in her head lingered ,but pained less.

She hiked up a hill and was amazed by the view.
"I-I made it." Looking back she gazed back into the direction of her village.
'I'll become strong.. for all of you.'

Crimson Judgement (previously known as Konoha's Pride)Where stories live. Discover now