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Word reached Konoha of the incident leaving many in shock. One of their strongest ninja's was taken down so easily? It was already hard enough as it is considering all the casualties that had occurred recently.
The village was still healing from Orochimaru's attack and they had no hokage. The safety of the village was top priority, so attempting to take y/n back would be a death wish.

All they could do was hope she was okay.

Somewhere else
Y/n's eyes fluttered open as darkness came into view. She heard whispering voices near her so she remained as still as she could.
'What happened?... Who are these five other presences?'

"So this is the girl leader wanted..what's so special about her?"

"Have you been living under a rock ,Deidara?"

"Tch...aye Sasori my man who is she?"

"She's the l/n everyone has been searching for."

"Kisame, Itachi you guys found her in Konoha correct?" Kisame nods.

"I didn't know that village would take her in after what they've done. I wonder if she knows...'

'Knows what..?'

The door swung open as a man followed by a woman walk in.
He walked up to the bars and stared at the female who's body was sprawled in the cell.
"I see you brought her well done Kisame... Itachi." Said the man.

"Leader what is she to us?" Asked a certain blonde.

The man smirks.
"Our new member."

The rest of the members had mixed feelings about the new information.

The leader unlocked the door to the cell and stepped inside. He slowly walked toward the female's limp body and stopped a foot away from her. Crouching down he moved some of the hair that blocked view of her face. Y/n's face seemed relaxed but on the inside she was freaking out as he leaned a little closer to examine her features when suddenly her eyes snapped open.

'This is my chance!'
She dashed for the door but her injuries rendered her immobilized.

'Damn it I can barely get up!' She thought startled. She took note of her surroundings it was very dark the only source of light was a torch that barely illuminated the whole room.

Looking past the man in front her she noticed the pair who captured her.

"You bastards!" In anger she launched at them.
She grabbed the two by their cloaks pulling them against the bars ignoring the searing pain all over her body.
"Why did you bring me here!?"

Itachi stared blankly at her while kisame's face held a grin.

"I ordered them to." A deep voice said from behind her. Y/n turned around releasing her hold on them.
Standing in front of her was a man with orange hair, piercings, and peculiar purple ringed eyes.

Y/n tensed up.
"Who are you? Why am I here?" She asked.

"Shadow demon, Y/n... I'd like for you to join the Akatsuki."


"Yes it's an organization that will bring peace to everyone." Said a man who looked like a plant.

Crimson Judgement (previously known as Konoha's Pride)Where stories live. Discover now