Kakashi: Sharingan Warrior

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The kunai gets closer and closer causing Zabuza to release kakashi from the jutsu. Hooray.

Zabuza turns to face naruto as blood flows from under his eye.

'He actually got a scratch on him.'

Zabuza takes the giant shuriken he caught and aims at naruto but is stopped by a dripping wet sensei. ( I see you guys thinking dirty)

"Naruto that was an outstanding move. You've both have grown." Kakashi compliments naruto and Sasuke. Naruto then starts explaining their plan yada yada.

"It was a success not only did I help you out the water prison I defeated the water clone as a bonus!" Naruto said floating in the water. Y/n teleports over to naruto and helps him out of the water.
"That was a fluke." Sasuke said.
"A-a fluke!" Tazuna yelled annoyed.
'Those two did really well despite how they don't get along.' Sakura looks over to the two.

"Hmph I got distracted that's all-." Zabuza explains but is Interrupted by kakashi.
"That's not it they forced you to break it."

"Hah exposed!!"

Zabuza grows a tick mark. "Damn brat."

"Hey that's my student your talking about she is anything than a brat... sometimes." Said Kakashi.

"Hey I heard that!"

"So what will you do now Zabuza?"

"Sasuke Sakura have your guard up." Y/n tells them as she drops a naruto on the floor.

Zabuza closes the shuriken adding more pressure onto Kakashi's hand. Kakashi then throws the shuriken away into the air as they both jump back preparing to do another jutsu.

"(Random words I don't know they say) Tori!
Water style: water dragon jutsu!" They said in sync. The two dragons collide causing a great wave of water to go around.

"Who knew water plus water would equal more water." Y/n said as she held onto a tree.

'He copied my movements perfectly w-who is this guy?!'

A waved in chakra signature drew y/n's attention to the her surrounding area. Her eyes lay upon a figure who stood on a branch watching the battle.
'It's been too long.' She smirks.

Going back to kakashi and Zabuza fight. Zabuza and kakashi's blades clash kunai and giant ass sword now how is that any fair. They both run in circles. *Yay*stopping at the exact same time. Zabuza then raises a hand as does kakashi.

"They are doing the exact same thing." Tazuna exclaims.

'No shit Sherlock.'

"Hah you copying me like a monkey is not gonna do you any good."

"You won't be able to beat me." They both say at the same time once again. This angers Zabuza.

"I'll shut that monkey copying mouth once and for all." Zabuza starts doing hand signs but stops when he notices something appearing behind kakashi .... another Zabuza!

"Water style: giant vortex jutsu !" Kakashi's sharingan starts spinning.

"W-What?!" A giant wave overtakes Zabuza washing him away into a tree. Kunai's come flying toward him stabbing him into the tree as he groans in pain.

"It's over..." Kakashi said from above the tree Zabuza is pinned to.

"How?! Are you able to see into the future?!"

"Yeah... and now your going to die." Kakashi takes out a kunai.

'Sensei?!' Upon seeing her old sensei in such state she gets ready to intervene when suddenly two needles come flying down and pierce Zabuza's neck.

The silence was loud.

"You were right he did die." A boy with a mask said.
Y/n sighs in relief.

Naruto looks over at the boy then at the supposedly dead Zabuza. Kakashi goes over to his body and checks his vitals.
"Yep he's dead." He confirms then looks over at the boy.
"I thank you. I have been waiting for a chance to kill Zabuza." The boy bows his head.
"By the looks of your mask I'd say your a tracker ninja from the village hidden in the mist."

"You are correct." He reply's.

"A tracker!" Naruto suddenly butts in.

"Naruto you don't even know what that is. Tracker ninjas assassinate rogue ninjas from their villages to keep secrets from being leaked out." Sakura explains.

"That's right I'm a member from the hidden village in the mist tracking unit who's mission is to hunt down rogue ninja."

'Judging from his voice and appearance he can't be that much older than naruto. He's not an ordinary kid though.'

Naruto runs up to the tree the kid is standing on. (Sadness and Sorrow.) "What are you?!" Naruto yells at the boy who doesn't answer. "Hey you-!"

"Naruto he is not the enemy."

"That's not what I'm asking! H-how did he-. Zabuza is dead by him how! He's a kid not much different from me how can he do that! We're pathetic! I can't accept that!"

"Naruto I understand your disbelief ,but in this world there are kids younger than you yet stronger than I." He says glancing at his other student.

The boy vanished from the tree to Zabuza's body picking him up.
"Your battle is over. I must get rid of his corpse because it contains many secrets. Now then please excuse me." The boy vanishes from sight.

Kakashi put his headband over his eye once again as Naruto runs toward the spot he vanished.
"Naruto he's gone."

Naruto starts punching the ground. "What was all this for then?! What are we for then?! Darn it! Darn it! Darn -." He is stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

He looks up to see y/n smiling down at him which is rare. "You've done enough naruto. Things like this happen as a ninja. Don't use that anger too beat yourself up apply it for next time." Y/n said holding her hand out which he takes.

"Our mission isn't over we still have to take Tazuna home." Kakashi interrupts ruining the moment.

Tazuna laughs awkwardly. "So sorry everyone I guess this all started cause of me. You can all stay at my house and rest up."

"Alright lets go."

They start to head out when y/n starts wobbling and leans on naruto. "Y-y/n!" Naruto yells out. Y/n falls to her knees and coughs out some blood while holding her side. P/n quickly rushes to her side barking for the others. Kakashi and the others come running toward them.

"What happened!" Kakashi yells out his eyes full worry.

"I-I don't know we were just walking then she just fell and started coughing up blood." Naruto exclaims.

"You dope! Why weren't you paying attention to her!?" Sasuke yells as Sakura tears up at the sight of her teammate.

"How was I supposed to know this would happen?!" Naruto shoots back.

"Enough both of you!" Kakashi yells at them before crouching down to y/n who looks like she's about to pass out.
"Y/n darling are you okay!? Y/n! We have to get her medical attention ASAP!" Kakashi picks up y/n but then falls down luckily not landing on her.

"Kakashi sensei!" His students yell out in worry. The howling of p/n is the last thing y/n hears before giving in to darkness

To be continued....

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