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The air stood still. I honestly think this may be a bad situation I've interfered in.

A new air of hostility surrounded Jack, the shadows covered his face in an eerie black mask, his fists clenched tight as his clawed fingers dug into his palm, "...What did you do to Seedeater?"

The old man held himself upright, firmly pressing the bore of his shotgun against the nose of my mask, expressionlessly glaring Jack down, deeming him fare more of a threat then the monster by his side.

Sweat beading down his chin, he did not answer Jack's question, instead demanding Jack disarm himself with a quick jerk of his head.

I'm at a loss of what to do in this situation, Jack has no intentions of giving himself up for a beast he had only encountered later today, even if I had assisted him once against this man before.

My thoughts run true as Jack took a step forward, scalpel positioned before himself and ready to swipe when in range, his expression dark and determined. He threw a quick expectant glance at me, so subtle and clouded by shadow I though it may have been a trick of the moon.

My breathe held in my lungs, heartbeat quickened, hundreds of scenarios ran through my mind. Though not touching my flesh directly the cold steel of the bore seemed to burn me, the old mans finger twitching for the trigger just out of my peripheral looked strangely bright.

Am I going to die? Again?

Am I just going to sit here?

...No. I am over thinking things...

I took a deep breathe, a strange calmness relaxed my body, melting the tension from my muscles, my mind clearing away of imposing thoughts.

He has a shotgun, powerful, but meant for close-range. It is only capable of holding two slugs in its chamber, he already used one, the best way to have him run dry is simply...

To move.

The muscles in my hind legs tensed once more, propelling my massive body high into the branches above, the action so nimble not a leaf followed my path, the thunderous echo of the fired weapon bounced around the surrounding trees, the dirt propelled high by the force of the blast, leaving burnt residue on the forest floor where I once stood.

The old man instantly knew his mistake, tripping over his own legs while trying to put distance between himself and Jack who quickened his approach.

He desperately pulled out the contence of his pockets, sending stray slugs and garbage into the leaves, before he could reload Jack was already on top of him, pinning the man to the ground with the heal of his foot, the old man yelled obscenities, cussing to the night with no real meaning to his words.

Clumsily sliding down the trunk of the tree I stood away from the two, I was not risking being dragged in again if the old man manages to struggle free, though I don't think he will be getting away with the force Jack is putting into the leg pressed up against the guys chest, I may also still be pissed about the whole scenario from the cabin to this point in time, despite having the opportunity to watch the drama.


Jacks Voice rippled up my back, the depth almost a growl, he had tossed his fine scalpel aside in favor of his fingernails, already covered in the mans blood from dragging them down his face, his expression is animalistic, his lips pulled back in a snarl, baring his jagged pearly whites for the man to see.

"Ha... I already soled that beast long ago, give up and suffer with the loss no eyes" the old man spat a gob of blood onto Jack's trousers, smirking half-heartedly, he seemed to accept whatever fate awaited him, despite the flicker of a flame still lit in his eyes.

"Damn prick. Fine, how about I feed you to my friend here, I bet all that running has left it famished."

Jack glances over his shoulder, a devilish smirk on his lips, "come here fuzz ball."

Hesitantly I do as told, approaching the man on the ground. This guy has ruined my mood and is well deserving of a scolding but by no means do I believe I am able to harm a person, don't get me wrong, if Jack had raked his fingers into this man's flesh, I would turn away and listen to his insides being torn out, but for me to do that myself is impossible.

I have no desire to eat a human being, maybe I can fake it? kick him around a little or send him home naked?

Jack catches my hesitation, "hmmm, you where fine with eating it before... Maybe you're a scavenger? regardless, it will take to long to cut him up here."

The old man rested still on the cold ground, his eyes shut. Jack mulled over his options, thinking out loud of the best way to not waist a 'meal'.

A shimmering object poked out of the old mans pocket, catching my eyes with its entrancing sparkle, without much thought my face inched closer to the mans chest, retrieving the silver item between my jaws.

A loud crack ran through the forest once more, an impact struck my shoulder, cushioned heavily by the fur coating my body. I look around confused, a squashed ball of lead lay by my talons, smoke radiating off the metal before dissipating into the air.

Jack swiftly sat himself on my back, using the grounded man as a stool to hoist himself up, his expression fallen and angry, "They have us surrounded, run Fuzz Ball! Go!"

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