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"Fucking call it!"

Jeff sprinted from the kitchen into the living room, a half empty bottle of whisky in his hand. His eyes seem wider then usual, his body vibrating, pointer finger flailing at those present, "back off pussies, that bird is mine!"

The Slenderman hung his head, stress lines subtly making their appearance, "considering your actions at the park I am reluctant to permit your request."

Jeff laughs huskily under his breath, "come on now noodles, I have to have a little fun, besides, I have a score to settle", Jeff's eyes trailed to my form on the rug, a suspicious shadow between his eyes.

The Slenderman groaned, "very well", he stood his hands folded behind his back as he looms over Jeff's body, "however I will remind you once more that the consequences for failing will not be as lenient as last",

"Ya, ya, you don't have to tell me twice..." Jeff avoided looking at the creature, his posture sinking, a subtle shudder crawling up his spine, "I can never look at beef the same way..."

BEN's young laugh cleared the tensing atmosphere, "I remember that! he locked you in a room with Nina didn't he, HA, you should have seen your face!", BEN ignored Jeff's intense glare, returning the gesture with a snarky grin, "Oh ya, I can totally show you, I recorded the whole thing!"

Slender sighs as he silently watched Jeff lunge at the smaller man, kneeling down and placing a hand on my back, "I will entrust this groups success to you. Good luck to you all, God knows you'll need it with those two idiots."

Jeff and BEN joined me outside after the scuffle, the mission as not started and the two already looked disheveled and worn, I can not guess where all the grim covering their bodies came from in such a clean house, amazing really.

The two looked pissed, not at one another, just in general, The Slenderman may have said something to render them in such a state, all broody and pouty.

"... Let's get this over with" BEN gave an exaggerated groan, his posture hunched as he began to walk.

Jeff stomps his foot, pointing at me with such intensity I thought he may dislocate his shoulder, "Stickman left this thing in charge instead of us! How are you not mad about loosing to an animal!"

BEN's feet left the ground, his body laying in the air elegantly to my bewilderment, flashing Jeff a cheeky smile, "Not the first time from what I heard," BEN continued when Jeff crooked his brow, "Toby's been going around and telling everyone how you had your ass pounded, said you picked a fight and ate dirt."

"That mother-!", Jeff bit his tongue, he marched into the forest with long strides and stiff shoulders, anger fueling him.

BEN looked at me and shrugged, following after his companion with no hurry, I glanced at the large mansion before racing to catch up.

I can hear Jeff's breathing through his clenched teeth, his nostrils flared, fists balled, he has not said a word since we left, its a little unnerving.

The forestation gradually grew thicker the further we travel, I must weave around trunks and thick brush to keep up with Jeff in my large body, BEN however is having it easy, its intriguing to watch him faze through the obstructions as he leisurely lays back, I'm slightly jealous.

"So, like, what's the plan? Slender gave us a week, we going to chill or...?", BEN drifted at Jeff's pace, the tail of his long, green, Phrygian cap trailing behind like a cape, Jeff's eyes narrowed, his lip pushing to his nose, "Humph, can't be that hard, lets get this done quick so I can go home and watch My Little-... Saw."

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