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Jeff and I lingered on the street before the apartment, a foolish thing to do considering how I look and the blood he is covered in, I feel as though it is best to allow this mass murderer to leave before I, he has threatened to eat me after all and I dare not lead him back to my shelter.

The spring nights is the perfect stage of coolness, warm air and a cool breeze, it is a reassuring, nostalgic feeling, reminding me of the days I slacked on my middle school homework, leisurely staring out my window at the tall decorative grasses lining the outskirts of my old yard, the calming sound the bristles make in the breeze, the sensation fills me with a unnatural calmness. I had witnessed a murder, hell I am an acting accomplice, yet I feel so serine now I may just fall asleep on my feet, allowing the world to wash away before my eyes. I do not completely understand the feeling, strangely I don't much care, perhaps I am in mental shock, a numb comatose state.

I shook my head, eyeing my blood-stained talons resting on the cracked concrete. I think I am losing my mind, perhaps its a side affect of long exposure to what I now am? I have read so many true crime books that perhaps I subconsciously conditioned myself for this sort of situation?

"Sooo..." Jeff cleared his throat, he stopped his slow pace, his posture drooped and saggy, "I guess that's all for me, I feel generous so Ill have to hunt you down another day" Jeff stretched his arms, releasing a loud yawn, it is hard to tell with his wide dull eyes but he is probably exhausted, the bags he carries are far more revealed then the last I had seen on him, "What was that bitch in there babbling to you about anyways, 'pwees forgive me (Y/N), I didn't mean it (Y/N)', I have killed babies with more courage then that! Maybe they where on drugs or some shit."

Jeff spat onto the ground, his nose crinkled in dissatisfaction, he wiped away the extra strand of saliva with his sleeve, while doing so he eyed the book in my grasp, his eyes showed interest for only a moment before returning to there usual clouded visual, "why the fuck... bah, whatever, ill catch you around Birdy, sleep with one eye... do you even have eyes? tsk, just watch yourself chicken wing."

He spun on his heels, casually strolling down the sidewalk, he did not seem to care if anyone saw him in such a state, not even taking a moment to pull his hood over his head to hide his face, how this guy has yet to be caught ill never understand.

The night stood quiet, being by myself once more left an odd loss in the back of my mind, with everything that has happed I don't think it is best I am left along for too long, maybe I should get a pet? maybe a rock, I am sure it is the only think I could keep alive.

I huffed, readjusting my grip on the leather faced book firmly clamped in my beak, it hold plenty of secrets, maybe even the answer to the questions I have been asking myself, I would be heartbroken if I mistakenly drop it or lose it somehow, honestly though it is nice to have some sort of book back in my possession, even if it is a strange occultist bible of some sort, ill have to thoroughly study it front to cover, good chance it has an explanation to my problem.

Now that I can take a good look at it the leather covering does not match any hide I know about, there is an odd triangular shaped star on the cover, burned into the flesh as though it had been done when the creature was alive before dismantling, its old but in exceptional condition, I may have to mend some tears in the pages in the future.

The blare of red and blue startled me, it sounded not two blocks away, the local officers took their sweet ass time in advancing into the scene, I am already a good distance away from the vicinity, but it is always best to be carful.

My feet sped up, B-lining off the street, ramming my big body through decorative hedges and white picket fences, the area slowly becoming more familiar until I arrive back at the park, not a creepy individual in sight.

And thank god, no Slenderman, I already lived through one threatening encounter with a glutton I don't want to be bisected by a faceless skyscraper. Know that I think about it I remember Sally being in the area, I was so caught up on coming face to face with The Slenderman I could not fully concentrate on the surrounding participants.

So, she is with them...

That's really all I can think about the situation, the young girl I saved that day actually lives with monsters, in that regard does that not make her a monster as well?

I stopped my feet, standing still and quiet in the smoke-filled woods, I hover my scaled, clawed hand before my masked face, a monster I thought, I don't have the right to judge now do I?

I sigh, my posture falling as I continued my way back home, I just want to curl up and sleep, wrap myself in that moss covered bed sheet, listen to the sounds of my annoying neighboring owls, I am well do for a rest.

The ground beneath my feet turned crisp, the smoke hovered thick, heavier in the tract compared to only minutes prior.

Black. Everything is black. The forest floor lay charred, the once proud trees blackened to the core, smoke softly wafted from patches of dead reeds, everything had burned in this area, nothing is recognizable any longer.

My heartbeat quickened along with my pace, I spun my head around the area, scanning the treetops for my sanctuary, the dawn sun illuminated the smoke in dry white glow, I could hear nothing, see nothing, the smoke filling my lungs did nothing to deter my emotional understanding.

This part of the forest is gone.

And as for my home, not a stick remained in the land of ash.

Once more, I have nothing left.

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